More Mazes?:

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Also, Can we talk about cute Newt is in this scene?! (Check media section)



         A guard walked me to a large room full of tables. There were other people my age! Lot's of them. I stepped into the room and looked for any familiar faces. I spotted Frypan, Daniel, Molly, and Minho sitting at a table near the back. Where was Newt?

"Hey sis!" Daniel jogged over. "Guess what! We weren't the only maze! Crazy huh?"

"There were other mazes?" I asked.

"Yeah, like two of 'em," He replied, walking backwards.

"Where's Newt?" I asked.

Daniel shrugged, "he was still in with the doctors when I saw him. I'm sure he'll be here soon."

Molly hugged me before I sat down, "There she is! My sister." I hugged her back. A tray of food was put in front of me by one of the adults.

Two boys I didn't recognize sat at our table too. They smiled at me and went back to eating. I dug into my food.

A few minutes later a girl walked over and leaned on the end of our table.

"My names Jeanette," She smiled.

"Zoe," I smiled, feeling rather awkward.

"So you guys got saved too?"

"Yeah," Molly replied. "It was intense." Molly nudged me under the table and pointed to the door. Newt had just walked in.

"That guys hot," Jeanette stared at Newt as he walked over.

I slid my tray back, "He's taken."

"Oh really?"

I got up and walked over to Newt. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Woah," He said as I pulled back. "What's gotten into you?" Newt smirked.

I held his hand as we walked back to the table. Jeanette was looking uncomfortable and I liked it.

"Jeanette," I said sweetly. "This is my husband Newt."

Newt was given a tray so he sat down. Jeanette smiled and walked away.

Molly and Daniel laughed.

"What did I miss?" Newt asked, looking between the three of us.

"Your wifes got your back," Daniel laughed. I held Newts arm and leaned on his shoulder.

I thought about the pictures I had in my pocket.

          Minho walked over to the doors and met Thomas. They exchange a few words before walking back over to our table.

"Hey tommy," Newt smiled.

"Hey," Thomas sat down as a tray was placed in front of him.

The one boy finished telling us about their rescue from the maze.

"What about the rest?" Newt asked. "The other people left behind in the maze?"

"I don't know. I guess W.C.K.D still has them," He shrugged.

"How long you guys been here?" Newt asked.

"Just a day or two. That kid over there," He looked over his shoulder at the boy sitting alone. "He's been here the longest. Almost a week."

"His maze was nothing but girls," The second boy said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Sounds sweet," Daniel joked.

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