Roll with it

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It was the end summer of 1989. My 17th birthday was yesterday and I'm about to head into my final year of college. I'm a little young for my grade but no one ever really noticed. That was except for Liam Gallagher. My very best friend since primary school. In year 3, I was 6...right about to go on 7. I met Liam on the first day. Everyone in the class introduced their ages and Liam was so amazed at the fact I was 6. He always teased me about it. I don't really know why we became friends I guess we just clicked. On that first day we realized on the way home we were neighbors in the same council estate and we decided to hang out with each other. Our mums became close and the rest is history. All I've known since that day is that the Gallaghers were a second family to me.

I've always loved his mum Peggy, a very welcoming woman. And his two brothers Noel and Paul always treated me as a sister they never had, just like Liam did. Paul wasn't really around as much as Noel. Noel had always been in his room with his guitar he got when he was 11. Which meant he was always stuck watching me and Liam when our mums were out at work or running errands. My mum seemed to always be out the most though so Noel would always come over and watch me when she was out at work. He always played his guitar and I always enjoyed listening to him play.

My mum was very protective and even though I'm now 17 she still makes Noel watch me when she's away. I feel bad for the guy. He doesn't mind it though I guess and she pays him when she can. Today my mum left for a 2 day work trip which meant Noel was going to be over all weekend. He usually just locked himself in the guest room and played his guitar or listened to his Walkman. Me and Noel used to actually do stuff together when he watched me but as we grew older we grew apart as well. Not me and Liam though. Which brings me to tonight. Liam is a big party animal and asked if I wanted to go to an end of summer party with him tonight. Usually I say no to this sort of thing but I guess I was feeling different when I said yes to him. Honestly regretting it now. Liam told me to sneak out the kitchen window so Noel wouldn't hear me leave out the front.

"Are ya almost ready?" Said Liam on the phone

"Yeah give me another 20 and I'll be right out?" I said trying to not sound as stressed as I was

"Alright see ya soon, and don't forget to be quiet and not let Noel see you leave." Liam whispered like Noel could hear him in that moment.

"Okay Liam" I said with a slight chuckle and hanging up the phone.

I ran around my room trying to look for the perfect outfit, finally I stumbled across a pair of perfect ripped jeans shorts (a little shorter than I would prefer) and a black corset top. I didn't care if I was cold I wanted to look good and maybe get some boys attention. I had never been to a party before so I was a little stressed about what would happen. I quickly threw on some mascara and light pink lipstick, threw my hair into a slick back high ponytail, and put on my high top white converse. I sprayed my best perfume and quietly walked out my bedroom door. Oh god. I thought to myself as I realized Noel was sitting in the living room watching TV, which I had to pass in order to get to the kitchen window. He has never done this out of the 100s of times he has came over to watch me. He was always in the guest room. Liam was gonna be waiting soon and I had to go. Maybe he would roll with it and let me go to the party. I mean he was a teenager once too right?

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