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Next Morning:

There was a knock on the door so I quickly got out of bed and made sure I looked presentable. Last night wasn't crazy and we didn't get home super late but I was still exhausted from these past couple of days. I opened the door to Noel smiling at me. "Hi babe, can I come in?" I nodded and started to make some tea. As I was at the kettle getting it ready Noel came up behind me grabbing my waist. "I didn't wake you did I? It's half past 11." He said concerned. "You did but it's alright, and I got home early last night anyway, I'm just exhausted I guess." I turned around to him with his hands on top of either side of the counter behind me. Then brushing one of his hands through my blonde curly hair. "You look gorgeous by the way." His hands went down to my waist. "Noel did you come here for sex? I'm not in the mood." That was a little harsh but I don't really care. I couldn't get my mind off Liam. I felt bad. "No no, I just wanted to see my favorite girl." Noel said grabbing my hand and holding it tight. He really is the sweetest. "By the way I have a couple new songs I want to show you tomorrow. But I want to sing one song now. One of my favorites." He brought me over to the living room and sat me on the couch while he picked up the guitar and sung 'Here, There, and Everywhere' by The Beatles to me. He meant every lyric he sung. He sounded perfect, this is why I love him.

Next day:


Fuck. I messed up the chords again. It's so easy Liam get it together. I played the progression again humming the tune. "Whats this?" Bonehead asked walking into the rehearsal room. "You play guitar?" He asked. "A little, writing a song at the moment." I said, I don't usually write songs. "Play it for us." Bonehead asked. I was hesitant but decided to play 

"Talking to the songbird yesterday...." (Liam plays songbird). 

"You wrote that mate? It's bloody good. Short but good." Bonehead said. "Ya think?" I asked. I have only written a couple songs and they've all been about Hannah. She's what inspires me most. But obviously I couldn't tell anyone. "Well who's that about then? A secret bird?" He asked. "Oh nobody really mate. Just about love in general." I said awkwardly. This is corny shite. "When have you been in love?" Bonehead asked. "Alright fuck off." I said annoyed. He just laughed. "Noel would like it. I think him and Hannah are coming round tonight for a rehearsal, you should play it for him." Bonehead suggested. "I don't know man." I did want Noel to hear the song and have it be on an album, but I didn't want Hannah to hear it. She will know who it's about. "Just think about it at least." Bonehead said opening a beer. "Yea alright." I said now nervous for tonight.

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