My Eyes have Always, Followed You Around the Room

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The date is now September 8, 1994. 4 days after Oasis hits number one.

Today Oasis was performing 'Rock N Roll Star' on Top of the Pops. They were gaining more popularity and paparazzi attention since the release of DM, which wasn't long ago at all and its been going amazing. Earlier this week I went to smoke a cigarette outside Noel's house and a paparazzi took a photo of me. Cunts. I don't really mind it though because I guess they will know Noel's taken. And I'm a rock stars girlfriend which is pretty cool. 

We were leaving for the show soon which meant I had to get ready, obviously. I wasn't sure what to put on so I put on a tight strapless black crop top, baggy dark red cargos, and my black high top converse. I decided to do some smoky brown eyeshadow with mascara and a brownish red lip combo. My dirty blonde hair was just down in the curly style it naturally is in. 

I was finishing up my makeup when Noel entered into our hotel room after having a drink with the rest of Oasis downstairs. He walked over to me. "Woah woah what's this?" He asked looking me up and down. "What?" I asked playing dumb slightly. "You can't wear that Hannah-" he said flustered. "Alright Noel that's where I draw the line, you can't control what I wear babe." I said as he put his hands around my waist. "I know it's just, there's gonna be 100s of drunken pricks there and I don't want them all staring at you." He said looking at me closely, with his puppy dog eyes he always managed to use on me. "Well Noel your plan already failed then, one's already staring right at me." I said hoping he would get my joke. He obviously didn't because he looked around the empty room. Eventually his eyes met mine and he understood it. He just laughed. "Alright fuck off." He said pulling me closer. I reached my hand up to his hair and pulled him closer to kiss me. We made out for about 2 minutes before Alan knocked on the door. "Alright let's go!" He shouted from the outside hallway. Noel grabbed my hand and tried to drag me out the door but I stopped him, giving him one more kiss then wiping the lipstick off from around his face and lips. He just let me do it, without me telling him to let me, staring into my eyes with a slight smile. His hand still in mine. These were the moments I loved with him, the moments in which I remember how in love with him I am. I grabbed my purse so I could fix my lips in the car, and we left.

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