Goodbye i'm going home

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Me and Noel didn't really do much that night. We were both knackered and just wanted to be in each others presence. The next morning I showered before work. After I got out I examined the hickey Noel had gave me in the mirror. In the reflection on the shower door I saw another hickey on my neck behind where my hair went. I was confused because Noel hadn't traveled to that side of my neck yet. Maybe it was a regular bruise. As I was blow drying my hair it all came back to me like an instant replay in a football match. 

Flashback to the night before Noel came back:


"Let me take you home Hannah, you're not even standing up straight."  I said to her. The club got insane and I wanted to get her home safe. Especially because my brother was coming home tomorrow. I don't know what she liked about him. But he really liked her. Which I understood. I dragged her out of the boardwalk and got her in a cab. She was practically falling asleep, leaning on me. I knew I shouldn't have let Bonehead give her that pill. Earlier in the night after a few drinks she had kissed me, nothing much just a peck. But it was enough to make me want her all night long. She had kissed me before when she was drunk months ago but it never meant anything. 

We go to the house and I carried her up the stairs. "My pants." She said "What?" I said in a nervous chuckle. "I'm not comfortable in these help me put on my night gown." She said with her eyes closed. God she was wasted. I turned around to grab her night gown and looked back to her all ready standing in front of me back facing. "Liam" she whispered. "Yes H" I said unzipping her top. "You're so good to me." She said taking my hands and putting them on her hips. What is she doing.  She pulled her hair to her left shoulder, then pulling my head to the back of her neck. "It's okay, kiss me." What? She liked Noel so much. She was high out of her mind. I guess it's alright. I started to kiss her neck leaving a hickey.  I have been waiting for this moment since I first saw her in primary school. She let out a small gasp, then I remembered Noel. I didn't want him to see the mark so I quickly stopped helping her get her gown on. "Liam I'm sorry." She said "That was selfish of me I-" I cut her off kissing her forehead tucking her into bed. "It's okay H, goodnight love." Before I could walk out the door she was crashed out. As I walked home I finally made the conclusion that I loved her. I'm in love with her. But she could never know.

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