And I love her

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A knock came on the door. "Let me in you two!!" Liam unlocked the door, Noel walked in and his eyes went straight onto me. Liam decided to be a sneaky cunt and leave me and Noel alone. "Em I'll be right back I think I heard mum call me." Liam ran out the room. There was an awkward silence as Noel walked to his bed and picked up his guitar. "Um Noel..." I said in a soft voice. "Can you teach me, how to play guitar?" I said hoping to get close to him. "Oh uh yeah sure come here." He said repositioning his seat making room for me on the bed. I sat down and he put the guitar on my lap and sitting slightly behind me so he could help me position my arms.  "What do you want to learn?" He asked with a slight smile. "Oh um how about And I love her by the Beatles." I said this referencing the fact he was humming the tune earlier. He seemed surprised at my request but accepted. "Yea I love that song." "Can I sing?" He asked. I nodded my head as in yes. 

I've never actually heard him sing before but I was excited to. He took my hands and positioned them correctly. His hands were soft and warm. As I looked down at the strings I could feel his glance on me. After a lot of explaining I finally got it. I started playing the chords and he began to sing. I couldn't believe it, he sounded like angel. Every word he said felt like a warm hug. He got to the hook. "And I love her..." when he sang that it made my stomach flip. After the song finished I realized his hand was around my waist, his warm breathe got closer to my neck, what was happening was he about to kiss me? He leaned in and I felt his lips on mine. Oh. My. God. 

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