Misshapes, mistakes, misfits.

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I quickly hopped off Noel and Liam totally went off. "HANNAH WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DO YOU KNOW HOW TO LOCK THE DOOR???" Noel shot up out of his seat, "DON'T YOU EVER YELL AT HER LIKE THAT YOU LITTLE FUCK." Woah. I've never seen Noel like that. I didn't really care that Liam talked to me like that but Noel sure did. "Oh sorry to ruin your little V card stealing moment Noel." Liam blurted out. Noel turned around and looked at me, obviously just realizing I was still a virgin. I was currently giving Liam a death stare. "What do you want Liam." I said in a firm voice standing up and walking past Noel right in front of Liam. Liam seemed taken aback by this and cooled down a little. "Alright babe chill out, I just came to ask if you all were going down to the pub for a bevy." Liam said staring down at my neck where Noel had left a mark. Liam then gave me a sad look, what the fuck? I grabbed a sweatshirt and put it on trying to distract from it. "Yea well come, right Noel?" I said grabbing his hand. "Yea." He said obviously a little ticked off. 

We made it to the pub and Noel went to the bathroom after we ordered some pints. "Can I talk to ya H." Liam said to me, taking a sip of his lager. "Yea what's up?" I say grabbing the pint the bartender handed me. "So about last night. What happened...it was a mistake I take it, and we won't be telling Noel?" Me and Liam never usually talked about our kissing mishaps the day after so I thought it was strange of him to ask. Plus they were usually only pecks on the lips. "Correct we won't...what exactly happened last night anyway?" I said popping a Tylenol. "Oh ''em nothing important." Liam said obviously a little hurt that I didn't remember. "Liam what are you talking abo-" I was cut off by Noel's arm wrapping around me and pulling me in for a kiss on the cheek. Liam just rolled his eyes and chugged back his drink walking away.

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