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As I crept down the stairs I had no idea what to say when Noel saw me. Maybe was asleep on the couch or really focus on watching whatever it was he was watching. I turned the stairs and we locked eyes. He shot up out of his slouched position on the sofa and cleared his throat. 

"Hey Noel" I said  with a gulp "Oh uh hey Hannah 'em what are you up too?" He said staring at me like he'd seen a ghost "Oh just came to make a snack" I said nervously playing with my bracelets. "Wearing that?" He said while he looked me up and down. I don't know what he was acting so nervous and tense it has never been like this. Did I look like a whore or something? I guess he's never seen me dressed up like this. I just ignored his question, "Why are you in here anyway? Usually ur playing ur guitar in the guest room" "Oh ''em it's in the shop one of the strings broke so I decided to watch the football on the Telly." "Oh ok" I tried to walk away but he grabbed my hand before I could do so. "Are you going to that party." He said in a firm tone. "I know Liam is going to one, I never knew you went as well." He said with a laugh "Yeah maybe I am, why do you care" "Well I am your baby sitter" he said with a fat smirk on his face "I can't just let you sneak out" "Noel, I'm 17 for gods sake I'll be fine please let me go just this once." I said staring his deep into this icy blue eyes not breaking the eye contact. I never realized how similar his eyes were to Liam's. "Fine but no booze...or boys" He said turning back towards the TV "What? Why??" I said with sass. "One because your 17 so your not even allowed to drink under law and two..we'll..I just don't trust these Manchester boys." He says being very hesitant to say the second part of his statement. "But you a Manchester boy" I said confused "yeah whatever" as he says this I walk to the front door not needing to sneak out the window anymore". "See ya later!" I say while opening the door and walking out. "Take care of Liam!!" he shouts with his voice getting muffled half way through his sentence after being slammed on by the door.

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