Born Slippy

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Flashback to Hannah at the dealers flat:

I knocked on the door. It was on the 15th floor of an extremely sketchy building. I knew I could get into some serious danger but I didn't really give a fuck I wanted the gear. "Can I help you?" A tall skinny lad with bleach blonde hair answered the door. "I'm a friend of Raymond's, he said he called you, names Hannah." I say nervously. Raymond was the user I knew. He wasn't a dirty one though and was one of the nicest people you'd meet. "Oh yeah one moment please." He walked away from the door back into a bedroom. The door opened slighty. From what I could see the flat was rotting away. There were some other people in there lied on the ground next to burnt spoons and dirty needles. "Names Simon by the way" The man said as he came back and handed me a brown bag. I nodded. He was pretty fit if I'm being honest. Scottish accent too. "That'll be £30." He said  after checking me out. Ugh. I handed him 3 £10 pound notes and walked away. "Nice meeting you Hannah." He said and closed the door. "Cheers mate." I said back. 

I got back to my room and poured the items out of the bag on my floor. Before I could examine the leafs my phone rang. "Hello?" I said annoyed wanting to just get high already. "Hannah come down the pub I haven't seen ya all week, boneheads here too." Liam said excited. "Sorry Liam, not right now." "You alright?" He said  quickly turning concerned. "Yea um just super tired, maybe tomorrow." I spoke. "Alright I'll stop by later." He said hanging up. "Stupid cunt." I muttered to myself. He always showed up to my house uninvited. He was my best mate though.

I focused my attention back to the gear. That's when I noticed a small packet of golden brown dust, a syringe, and a silver spoon. Also a hand written manual on how to cook up a shot. Did I just buy heroine? I noticed a bag of weed next to it  so I guess I got what I wanted as well. Maybe Raymond just told the man Simon I wanted both of his products by mistake. I just stared at the syringe. I wanted to do it. I know it was awful but I was already feeling awful. Since Noel left I felt so empty and alone. Which was stupid i know but it was true. I sat there in my own thoughts for a moment debating my decisions. Raymond said it's the best High of your life doing heroin. Plus I was kind of  getting porky and wanted to loose some weight before Noel got back. I started to read the manual. Here we go I guess. I grabbed a belt and rapped it around my arm. I put a lighter under the spoon now filled with the liquidated dust and once it was heated up I filled the syringe. I took a few deep breathes before and then found the biggest vain on my left arm. I closed my eyes and injected. 

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