Because we need eachother

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I couldn't even believe what he just said. Was it really that obvious? Or did Noel tell him something. I laughed nervously. "What do you mean about Noel, Liam." "Oh cmon Hannah, you think I haven't felt the tension between you two?" "I mean he's practically coming out of his pants every time he sees you, plus when you fell at that party he was the first to run over and help you, I was a close second. And I see the way you look at him" Liam said. "Liam I don't understand, if you thought I liked Noel then why did you kiss me?" I said trying to hide my excitement at the possibility of Noel being into me. "Because, if something happens between you two I want to know that I was the first Gallagher boy to kiss you, and the first boy to kiss you ever." "From the minute I met you to when you grew into such a beautiful young woman. I knew I wanted to be your first." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'll always be there for you H, I love you like that you know." I blushed, I was so glad to have Liam as my best friend.

 "Love you to Liam, so you kissed me because you thought time was running out, as in you think Noel's gonna make a move on me?" I said getting excited. "Don't get your hopes up babe, Rkid can be a pussy when it comes to girls." Liam said pushing me to the side. I laughed "But he's talked about me before?" I said wanting to hear a good answer. "I mean he brings you up sometimes and whenever I talk about you he seems to actually listen instead of tuning me out with his fucking guitar playing." Liam said grabbing a beer from a drawer. "Shut up I love his guitar playing!"

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