I Want to Hold Your Hand

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Back to real time:

We arrived to the spot in Glasgow. Slightly high but enough to function. The rest of the boys got the gear out then van and me and Liam walked inside. "Hannah you didn't use Heroin did you?" Liam said grabbing my shoulders. "No, god no, Simon just sells good weed, remember we used it the night after that incident?" "Oh yea, you scared me for a moment in the van." He said laughing. "What's so funny?" Noel said walking up to us. "Oh nothing love." I said reaching my hand out for him to hold my hand. "What's that?" He asked pointing to the scar from the needle. I went completely red. Liam noticed and tried to change the subject. "Noel what's the set tonight?" He said standing in front of me, knocking my arm down. Thank god for Liam Gallagher. Noel told him the set list and came back around to hold my hand. Forgetting his question from earlier. 

"Hello we're Oasis, we have a gig tonight." I said to the club owner inside. "Oh em you can go practice in the room at the end of the hallway on the left. You're on at half 9." He said walking away in a busy manner. I nodded and told the boys where to go. Noel slowed me down from the rest of the group. "So Hannah, now that you're my girlfriend that means we have to tell each other the truth." He with a grin. I blushed at him calling me his girlfriend, but then I sensed where this was going. "Tell me the truth about that thing on your arm." He said grabbing my chin. I turned into a tomato again. I didn't want to lie to him. "Noel I-" I paused and took a deep breathe. "It's a heroin scar. Okay?" He frowned at me. "I've only done it one time. And I regret it everyday. It's old I promise." He nodded his head. "Thank you for telling me." He said calmly. I nodded back. "So what about the bruise underneath your hair?" He said. I felt sick. When did he notice it?

Before I could catch my breath a voice spoke. "It's from a rock." Was Liam standing there the whole time? I didn't want to know. Noel furrowed his brow at Liam. "A rock?" Noel said confused, I had to hold my laughter in. "Yeah I had to get her attention when she had her Walkman in and I decided throw rocks at her." I looked at Noel and nodded laughing. Supporting Liam's claim. Noel just scoffed showing a smile. "You two are the blind leading the blind." He said. Once again, thank god for Liam Gallagher. 

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