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"No way I'm partying with that twat." Liam said after we told him about the invitation back at Peggy's House. "Why not?" I asked, "He seems like a really nice guy." I say. "Exactly Hannah he 'seems' like a really nice guy. He's a prick who's writes Fanny music and calls it rocknroll." Noel said. "Please Noel come with me? I don't want to go alone and I want to visit London." I begged with puppy dog eyes. "Hannah I'm sorry babe but I've got a lot of things to finish up on the album details and-" Noel was cut off by Liam. "I'll go with you Hannah." Liam blurted out walking over to me. "You just said he's a twat." I said giving Liam a confused look. "Oh right but it is a party after all which means free booze, and some celebrity exposure." I laughed but eventually agreed. "Are you sure Liam?" I laughed "Yea yea of course H." Liam said putting a hand on my shoulder. There was a spilt second of awkward tension between me and Liam before Bonehead began to speak, "Next trains to Londons in 20 minutes might wanna move your arses." At this me and Liam grabbed our coats and I gave Noel a kiss goodbye while Liam walked out. "Bye love, don't make too much conversation with that cunt Damon." Noel said holding my hand. "Alright Noel but I'm not going to be a complete prick like you." I say. He let out a small smile and I followed Liam. 

"So you too really love each other huh?" Liam asked lighting a cigarette while we walked to the station. "Who me and Noel?" I asked slightly blushing because I liked the thought of Noel loving me. "No you and Guigs." Liam said annoyed. "Yes you and Noel you daft." He says looking back at me. "Oh um yeah I mean we've been together for a while now." I say fiddling with my bracelets. "Just so you know H, I don't think he's planning on proposing anytime soon." Liam said. I wasn't exactly waiting for Noel to propose or anything but I did want him to eventually. He is my boyfriend after all, but we are young and if Oasis becomes big I don't want him to think I'm holding him back by making him a 'married man'. "Sorry." Liam said after I didn't respond. I wasn't trying to avoid that question but something told me to. I punched Liam's shoulder. Trying to make the situation less awkward. "Why are you just saying that because you don't want him to?"  I say jokingly. Liam put his arm around me and ruffled my hair. "You wish Hannah." He laughed.

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