Its Gettin Better (Man)

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The kiss only lasted about 5 seconds but it felt so right. "Oh god Hannah I'm sorry." Noel stood up and put his hands over his head. "Noel what are you sorry for?" I laughed. "It's not my business to just kiss you, your 17, I'm so sorry it's just your so fucking gorgeous I-" I cut him off by jumping up and kissing him, cupping both hands around his face and pulling him in. "Noel to tell the truth I've been wanting to kiss you." I said and I smiled. He looked so relieved. "It just felt right in the moment. I should have asked you out first or something I didn't want to start like this." He said putting his hands on his hips. "Start what?" I said honestly confused. "To tell the truth Hannah, I've kind of been into you for a while." "I know it sounds bad but Ive been planning to ask you out and I wanted to wait until you were a little bit older, god I sound like such a fucking creep." He backed up little and watched as I fixed my hair in the mirror. "You're not a creep Noel, far from it." I looked at him and he smiled. "I better be heading home now." I said readjusting my top. "I'll call you, maybe I can teach you another song sometime." He said with a huge grin on his face. "I would love that Noel." I kissed him on the cheek and left. 

As I was walking to my house Liam ran up behind me. "HANNAH!" He yelled. "Yes Liam?" I said intrigued from his excitement. "Did he make a move, you ran out the house." He said trying to catch his breath. "Yeah we kissed." I said with a smile. "That amazing Hannah I'm so happy for you." He hugged me. "Listen if my stupid brother ever does fucking anything to hurt you, tell me first and he's dead." "Easy there Liam, but thanks I guess." I laughed.

As I walked into my room I fell down onto my bed. So many thoughts running through my mind. I just had my first kiss. I had just kissed both of my basically brothers in the same day. My crush confessed that he was into me. And I began my final year of college. And I feel amazing.

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