Beware of Darkness

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Oasis played great but Noel didn't seem to impressed to see Damon standing next to me the whole performance. He just kinda stood next to me and didn't say much. "Hi babe, great job." I said backstage to Noel, going on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. "Yea thanks." He said bluntly. "Noel, I wasn't hanging out with Damon." I said sensing his annoyance. "He just came up to me, I tried to ignore him and focus on you, which I did." I said annoyed. Noel can't control my friends. "It's alright." He said. "Im gonna um, meet with my friend for a moment, I'll meet you out in the car." He said kissing my cheek and walking away. Well that's suspicious. I went up to Liam to ask him what's the matter. "What's up with Noel?" I asked. Liam rolled his eyes at me, wiping his nose. "Leave him alone H." "Go find Albarn or something." He said shooing me away. "Liam stop it, what's going on you have to tell me." I was panicking now. There was bad energy in the room. He grabbed my arm tightly and led me out the room. "Go to the car Hannah." Liam said dragging me outside. "Liam what the fuck stop it you're worrying me." I said tears welling in my eyes. He slammed the door on me. I've known both these boys for over 10 years, and I've never seen either of them act this way.

I stood there alone in the rain. There was no car. No place to stand under. Nobody and nothing. I was locked out the backstage door and had forgotten my backstage pass inside. I was banging on the door for about 20 minutes until a car pulled up behind me. "Hannah?" A voice said, I turned around to see Damon's face in a car window. "Damon thank god, can you give me a ride to my hotel?" I pleaded. He nodded and let me in the car. "You're soaked Hannah, why?" He said worried. "Well I basically got kicked out by an angry Liam, and Noel ditched me." I said upset. "Ditched you?" Damon asked. "Well he just said he was going to 'meet a friend' and looked guilty of something. And then I asked Liam what the matter was and he said to leave Noel alone and dragged me outside." I said getting more anxious about the situation. "You poor thing." Damon said handing me his warm sweater. "Put this on love." He said. I smiled and put it on. "Why don't you come back to my place, it's only about 10 minutes away, and I have extra room." "I don't want you to be worrying alone in that hotel all night." Damon spoke. I was hesitant to what Noel would think of this, but he did just ditch me without warning to I took Damon's offer.

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