Fuckin in the Bushes

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We sat there kissing for a while. Neither of us wanted to move. But eventually I knew I had too because my mum would worry about me and I did need some air. "Oh Liam.." I pulled away with a smile. He looked at me with a smirk. "Hannah....Liam?" A voice said from the front of the store. Shit Noel I whispered under my breath. I knew Liam didn't care if Noel saw us together, but I did. The way Liam was looking at me I could tell he knew I cared. I felt guilty about kissing him when I'm currently crushing on Noel. I never told Liam about this crush but I think he got the hint.

 I quickly fixed my hair and lipstick walking away from Liam. He still had that smug smirk on his face. Quietly checking me out. "Oh there you both are." Noel said scratching the back of his neck. There was an obvious tension in the room. "What are you doing here mate?" Liam said obviously annoyed that Noel ruined the moment. There was a silence after Liam said that because Noel was just staring at me, tuning out Liam. Oh 'em" Noel cleared his throat. "Mum said to come pick you all up, she made dinner and didn't want it to be cold by the time you came home....speaking of didn't you close like 20 minutes ago? Why are you still here." Shit  I thought, what was Liam gonna say. "Just doing some cleaning up." Liam said itching his nose. I was relived he didn't make a cheeky comment. We headed out the door into the car.

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