Oh darling!

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We got to the house and Peggy was still as welcoming as ever. "Hi Hannah I haven't seen ya for ages darling!" We hugged. "Hi Peggy" I said with a smile. "Where have you been? You used to come round all the time." "Oh things just got busy I guess." I said taking a sip of my coke. We sat at a 4 person table. Peggy next to me, Liam straight across from me, and Noel to the other side of Liam. I was eating and all of a sudden I felt Liam's foot sliding up my leg. I quickly looked at him and gave him a 'stop it' look. He put his foot down and laughed. Noel was pretty quiet the whole dinner, just humming 'And I love her' by the Beatles. 

He loves the Beatles and so do I, it's one of the things we always used to talk about together. Before he started to act weird. It began when I was about 16. He was over one time helping my mum by fixing a cupboard door in the kitchen. I walked in with just a Lacy bra and spandex on to get my tea. I didn't even notice he was there until he dropped all of the screws on the floor. 


Screws drop

"Holy shit Noel you scared me."

"Oh uh ''em sorry" he said looking at the floor. 

"Fuck" I whispered after realizing what I was wearing and I walked away with my tea.

Ever since that day it's never been the same. He always gets flushed when he sees me. And due to last weekend at the party the weirdness was on another level. 

"Hannah can you come help me with something upstairs" Liam said giving me the look. "Oh sure" I said. Not knowing what to really expect. We walked into his room and he locked the door. I was turned looking at Noel's albums (they share a room) and I felt kisses being placed on my neck. "Liam not now!" I spat. "What's wrong...don't want Noel to hear." He said. I froze. "What are you on about?" "Well you didn't want him to hear at sifters." He said. "Well I don't think he wants to hear his brother making out with someone, especially me." I said focusing back on the records. "What do you mean especially you?" He said while grabbing onto my waist. "Liam please stop." I say. I didn't want this with Liam. At least not now. "Why you seemed fine with it earlier." He said disappointed. "I don't know I-, I guess I just don't want to be like this with you, at least not now. I'm sorry Liam." He furrowed his bushy brows. "So, you like someone else?" I stopped flipping through the vinyls and turned to him. "I'm not sure." "Liam you're an amazing guy and you've been so good to me, but I'm not sure I see a relationship with you. I'm sorry." "I just need to figure out other feelings first." He seemed sad but not angry. "Okay love, I'll wait for you." He said playing with my hair. "What? Wait for what." I said looking into his deep blue eyes. "I'll wait for you to be done with Noel." He just smiled.

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