Now that your mine

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Noel took his guitar out of his case. The same one he had always had. The one he taught me how to play before our first kiss. "Alright ''em hear a song about us, it's called 'Slide Away'." He played the song. The lyrics were fucking beautiful, the best love song I've ever heard. He finished and I sat in disbelief. I knew he was talented but that was like big time talent. "Noel, I don't know what to say." He looked worried, I think he was thinking I didn't like it. "That was the most gorgeous song I've ever heard." I said staring at him. He put down his guitar and sat closer to me. "Hannah, I've been wanting to ask you this for a very long time, and I wanted to do it in person." Noel said looking down. I grabbed his chin making him face me. I nodded my head gesturing I was ready to be asked his question. "Will you be my girlfriend?" His eyes had turned into puppy dog eyes begging into mine. "Yes Noel, yes, a thousand times yes." 

I grabbed his face and made him kiss me. Since we were together and he gave me a present of song. I thought I would give him a gift as well. I'd had never done this before so I made sure to be sure about every move I make. I hopped on his lap straddling him. Then he gave me that same look. The one that he gave me those years ago when I came downstairs dressed for that party. He sat up slightly so we weren't falling off the bed and began to kiss me again. My hand grasping his skull never letting go and his hands traveling down my back. I don't know why we haven't done IT before. I guess he wanted me to be legal or something. I let my hair out of the messy bun and flipped my head around to the left which let him begin to kiss my neck and leave hickeys, when he did this I let out a small moan. All of a sudden I felt something between me and then Liam came crashing into the room. Of course.

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