I need more time

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We got back to Manchester and Noel decided he wanted to take me on a proper date. "I'll pick you up at 6, wear something nice." He said with a wink and leaving the door, I nodded and shut the door. It was currently 6am so I had the rest of the day to sleep and get ready. We had left Glasgow around  11 and traffic was awful. I climbed into my bed thinking about the last 24 hours. My boyfriend and best friends band was getting a record deal. I'm their manager. And I'm in love. 

It was now 3pm. I had the best nap. I got out of bed and played my message machine.

 Message from Liam- Last night was really fun H, I wanna start hanging out again just us. I know it's hard with you being Noel's girlfriend and everything but, I had you first. Talk to you later. 

I immediately called him back. I felt so guilty about everything. I've become kind of distant with him since I started to talk to Noel as more than friends, and he is right it's always been Liam and I. I called, it took a couple rings but he picked up. "Ello." Said a scruffy voice. "Oh shit did I wake you up?" I asked feeling guilty. "No no it's fine love what's up?" Liam said making me blush. He didn't call me love often but when he did it made me flustered. "Oh well I saw your message and I just wanted to let you know that I agree." I smiled. "Oh sound, ''em is tonight alright?" He asked sounding like he didn't actually want to hang out with me. What the fuck? "I actually have a date with Noel tonight but tomorrow I'm free?" The line went silent for a second. "H I have to run. See ya tomorrow." He said then abruptly hung up. My heart sank.

Liam's perspective:

"Fuckin hell man. Why'd you let me send her that message?" I asked bonehead still half asleep on the couch hung over from last night. My head was pounding. "It was your idea mate." Bonehead said yawning. "Alright but do you know how hard it's gonna be being alone with her while she's in love with someone else and I've been in love with her for years?" I said punching the wall. "I haven't been alone with her since that night before Noel came home." "It's been so fucking awkward since then but I don't even think she remembers it." I said sipping a cold can. "Didn't you say Noel asked what it was on her neck and she froze?" "She obviously remembers it man she's just embarrassed she let ya do it." Bonehead said lighting a fag. "You know what it don't matter, her and Noel are in love or some shit and going on a proper date tonight." I didn't even want to imagine them being romantic. I could barely hold my shit together when I caught them making out. I know I encouraged it in the beginning but I didn't know it would our relationship like this. I mean my best mate and my brother. The girl I've told everything too my entire life. And now she's Noel's. 

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