Feeling Supersonic

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Back to Hannah's perspective in the bathroom:

Shit shit shit shit. I thought while covering the hickey with concealer and placing my hair back over it. I can't believe I made him do that. I'm so fucking stupid. I was high as shit so hopefully he blames it on that. What possessed me to do that? I mean I know I was missing physical touch but Noel was about to come back in the next 24 hours why didn't I just wait. This explained why Liam kept staring at the hickey from Noel and looked hurt after I told him I didn't remember much of the night. I quickly tried to get ready for work finishing my makeup when Noel appeared in the doorway with an only his boxers on. "Hello gorgeous." He said grabbing my waist from behind, planting a kiss on the top of my head. I smiled in the mirror. 

My job was down at the pub across from the boardwalk so I decided to go over after my shift and watch the boys rehearse. "Oasis." Liam shouted. "That's our new name, it's perfect." The rest of the boys just nodded to his announcement tuning their guitars. I walked in probably smelling like a chippy but Noel said there was a song he wanted to play for me and I couldn't wait to hear it. "Ready boys?" He asked. Everyone nodded, I glanced over at Liam who was staring at my neck again. Bloody hell. The song began and Liam sang: "I need to be myself...I can't be no one else..." After song ended my jaw was on the floor. "Noel that song was biblical where the fuck did you get this talent from?" I laughed letting my messy blonde ponytail down.  "I don't know but it's gonna get me a big house one day." Noel said taking a sip of his beer. 

During the rehearsal I received a call I've been waiting to hear. "Guess who just booked Oasis at kings tuts in Glasgow on Saturday??" I say walking into the room with a smile on my face. "No fucking way!!" Bonehead and Noel exclaimed practically jumping for joy. "I told you I would be a good manager." I say directing at Liam who doubted me the other day at the pub. He just smirked at me itching the back of his neck, giving me a wink. Obviously trying to remind me of the love bite I basically forced him to leave on me.

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