Got my mind set on you

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All that rehearsal has payed off because the band sounded fucking amazing. They finished the gig and everyone went back to the room to celebrate. Then there was a knock on the door. Noel went to answer. "Hello mate, I'm Alan McGee" the man said. "Your Oasis correct?" He asked with excitement. Everyone nodded and then he asked to talk to the manager and Noel. We left and went out to the hallway to speak with him. "I'm with creation records, and I loved your songs." "I think they could really go somewhere you know?" Alan said. "Yea I know they're gonna go somewhere but what's that to do with you?" Noel said furrowing his brows. God his ego was huge. Could he try not to be a cunt for five seconds and not blow it? Alan laughed. "Sorry about him," I say hitting Noel in the arm. "I want to offer you a record deal." "Call me tomorrow for more information but I will provide you with all of the money you need to record." "The music industry needs you it's pure shite at the moment." Alan said holding out his card with Creation Records contact information. I took the card and gave a happy look to Noel. He smiled back at me. "Thank you so much Alan, talk to you tomorrow." I said.

Me and Noel walked back into the room. "What was that all about?" Liam asked. "Well that was Alan McGee, the manager of Primal scream, he's with creation records." Everyone's eyebrows raised. "And he just offered Oasis a record deal." I smiled spilling the news. The rest of the boys jumped up and hugged one another. Liam came over and hugged me picking me up off the ground and spinning me around planting a hard kiss on my cheek. "This is it boys we've made it!" He said. Holding his arms in the air. I just laughed and looked at Noel glaring at Liam for what he has just done. I rolled my eyes and walked over putting and arm around his waist. Resting my head on his chest. He looked down at me and smiled putting his arm over my shoulder. "Thank you Hannah." He said kissing the top of my head. "We couldn't have done this without you." I stared at him confused. "Noel I know I booked the gig but you the wrote the songs Alan liked, Oasis wouldn't done have this without YOU." I laughed. "But you inspired the songs Hannah." He spoke pulling me tight. I blushed. "I love you Noel Gallagher." I said with no hesitation. "I love you too H." He said before pulling me in for a kiss.

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