User not an Abuser

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It had been a couple days since my day with Damon. I hadn't spoke to anybody of Oasis since the night of Top of the Pops, I didn't want to. If any of them actually cared they would come to me. I wasn't going to build any bridges. I was sitting back at my mums house, playing one of my favorite albums, 'Never Mind the Bollocks, here's the Sex Pistols'. When there was a knock. I looked like a mess, makeup smudged everywhere and the baggiest clothes, but I didn't really care. And I didn't look like this because I was 'depressed' about Noel. I really just didn't fucking care, I realized I shouldn't try hard for anything anymore. Okay maybe I am a little depressed. I dragged myself off the couch and stopped the music, then opened the door. "Holidays in the Sun, huh?" The bushy eyebrow man said. "And?" I said. "Can I please come in Hannah?" Liam asked. "Only cause you said please." I said rolling my eyes. He laughed.

To be fair, I wasn't 100% sure that Noel had cheated, but I was still pissed on now he just left me alone. I was also pissed at Liam for just kicking me out. We sat down on the couch. "I'm sorry Hannah." Well there's something I wasn't expecting Liam to say. "I'm sorry that I kicked you out, and that I didn't tell you the truth, I've known you too long and too well to have done that." He said with a sad face. "Apology accepted Liam, thank you." I said with a small smile. "The truth is that, one of the cameramen that Bonehead knew, bought us all, well, lines. Of coke. And me and Noel both did some so that's why we're acting strange and distant." Liam said. I cringed at Noel's name. I wasn't really surprised by this, and neither did I care. I'm just mad I wasn't told about the drugs then and there. I nodded. "About rkid...and that girl who answered the phone. She did kiss him, I will tell you that. Not a make out and I promise you no shagging. And from my very hazy memory, she initiated the kiss and he backed away immediately." He said holding my hand. I wanted to cry now but I wasn't going to. Liam could tell. "Thanks for telling me. He called me a couple times but I've ignored him. I'm waiting to see him in person. And for his truth. But why was she in the bed?" I asked with teary eyes. "Darling, I know this is hard to believe but she just crashed out there. They didn't do anything. And immediately after you called that morning she ran out the door... of course after delivering the message you sent for Noel, and he tried to call you back."  Liam said putting an arm around me while I leaned into him. I know this was hypocritical, because me and Liam have had our moments, but he was Liam. She was a random bird off the streets. I nodded. "I think he said he was going to come by tonight. He's been super anxious about the whole thing, and wanted to give you time." Liam said holding my hand tighter. "Well thank you for letting me know, everything, Liam." I said as he kissed the top of my head. I was nervous to see Noel tonight, to be honest I just wanted to hug him and pretend nothing ever happened. But I also didn't want to make that the new normal, him sneaking away to take drugs and be with random chicks. 

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