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I woke up a few hours later in a cold cell with no windows and just a cold lamp above me.

"Shes up" I heard a muffled voice behind the wall say

"Prep her, bring her in and make him watch" the mans voice sent chills down my spine. Prep me, what does he mean no one is going to touch me.

I started preparing to fight but then a man twice my size came in and dragged me by the arm into a medical room. They injected my arms with this greenish blue liquid that felt like fire in my veins. I screamed as they tied my arms feet and head down thrashing to get out of their grip but they over powered me and wheeled me out.

Winter Soldier POV

I saw them wheel in the little girl she looked around nine or ten and then I realized. It's GINNY they took Ginny. I tried to tell her it was me and that we are gonna be ok but they put a gag in my mouth and I couldn't talk.

"What are you gonna do to me" she asked eyes flooded with fear.

"Make the next part of the process much easier" he said with an evil grin on his face.

I already knew what he meant by this. They were giving her code words that would make her obey every command given to her after the sequence.

Ginny's POV

They pushed me into a big chair and closed the tubes around me locking me in I closed my eyes as they started feeling myself slip away with every word they said






Half of me felt like it was gone at this point and the electricity hurt so much I started screaming.






I felt like nothing. I just stared out into space.


"Ready to comply" I said emotionless.

I trained for months until the next winter came. Then one day they came into my cell and said it was time for the test.

First they had me go into a room with a floating yellow stone.

"Touch it Shadow" the man who was training me everyday said.

I obeyed I had no choice. I touched the stine and I fell to the floor unconscious. I woke up a few minutes later feeling different. I realized that my hand and eyes were glowing green.

"What the hell did you do to me" I threw my hands down in anger and made a hole in the ground.

"Put her in with Winter" I heard a man say

"NO,no he'll kill me! I know what he does Ill die"

"Its either that or you die a slow painful death in your cell tonight"

I followed the man as he lead me to a room with the Wintet Soldier.

"No weapons Winter" the man said

We started to fight he tried to hit me with his metal arm but I dodged it. He got a hold of me and when that happened I blasted him with my powers as I figured them out. He looked stunned that a 10 year old just blasted him. We kept fight like that for a while until I pinned him against the wall and knocked him out.

"Nice work Shadow" he said in a kind but not nuce way. "Prep them both and them put them in cryo"

"What's cryo"I say scared that its a some sort of torture method

Then they grabbed me wiped my memory, said my words and then threw me in a pipe.

"Start NOW" he yelled.

It turned on it felt like it was freezing me from the inside out. After I couldn't move I fell unconscious.

Winters Shadow (Buckys Sister)Where stories live. Discover now