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(Civil war)

Bucky's POV

We were scanning the area around the chambers, when something caught my eye.

"Steve come here" I said cautiously

"What is it" he asks

"Zemo missed one when he shot them" I said giving the chamber another look. I wiped the condensation off the lid "Shes a little kid. Maybe 12 or 13".

"Lets open it" Steve said "see what happened to her"

"Ok" I agreed but I was going to do it anyway.

Winter Shadows POV

My chamber opened and I immediately lept out and flipped over the men that opened it. Then I summoned a dagger and they drew their weapons. 

"Woah. Calm down" the man with longer hair said in a calming voice. I dont know why but I feel like I trust him.

"Who are you" the blond man I recognize as Captain America from my last mission.

"My name is Shadow or at least thats what they called me" I said scared they were going to hurt me.

"Do you want to come with us" the long haired man said " we are going where its safe after this and then we can figure out who you are and we can help you ok"

"Ok" I said hoping this isnt another trick by HYDRA.

The blonde haired man led me out to the quin jet. We started talking about friends and family that I had none of.

"How did you get the scar across your face" he asks. I stayed silent. "Was it the Winter Soldier"

"Yes" I said not revealing much about me just in case there was danger. We got to the jet and he told me to go inside. As I went inside I realized that I was alone until they finished wht they were doing.

After the fight with Iron Man

In heard the jet open and I jumped into the shadows and dissapeared.

"Where did she go" Captain America asked

"I don't see her anywhere" the other man said. I looked at the other man and realized he had a metal arm. My face tuned pale as I realized who he was. The Winter Soldier. I didn't think Captain America worked for HYDRA. He looked around and I jumped out and attacked.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE" I yelled. I knew HYDRA had fallen when Project Insight failed because I heard guards talk about it while they checked my vitals.

"Oh shit I think she realized who I was" he says

"No shit, and what do you mean was" I asked confused.

"I don't do that anymore kid" he said "I got out of HYDRA you can too. We can help you get your memory back and maybe see your family again"

"I don't have any family left. My Dad left before I was born and my Mom left when I was two." I said angry at my deadbeat parents, that somehow I remembered.

Bucky's POV

"What year were you taken" I asked

"1941" she said quickly. I stood there shocked at what she said. But the first time I saw her was in the 90s. How could she be taken in the 40s unless... No there's no way. She was only 9 when she was taken and HYDRA wouldn't have let her leave for multiple years.

"What about your scar" I asked as she put her weapons down and we did the same.

"You" she said coldly "most of my scars are from fights with you"

I cringed at the thought of doing that to a little kid. "Lets get going before Tony finds the strength to come and get us" I said the guilt from killing his parents and hurting that kid still fresh.

Winter Shadows POV

We left and about 45 minutes later we were pulling up to a place called Wakanda. As we started to descend I realized we were about to crash.

"Are we gonna crash" I said kinda loud but not yelling.

"No, kid, they have a invisible shield around Wakanda so that threats can't find them" he said.

"Whats your real name" I asked knowing that the Winter Soldier wasn't his name

"Bucky Barnes" he said. The name sounded familiar but I couldn't place may finger on it. I was slowly getting my memories back but all of them heve been of Natasha and the Red Room.

"What about you, whats your real name"

"I don't remember" I said looking at my feet.

"Don't worry, we'll help you get your memory back, and if you want we can train you to become an avenger with us"

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