New School

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August 2023

I had finally gotten my cast off so I could enjoy my first summer in 83 years. Me and Matt have grown very close and Bucky says that me and Matt remind him of Steve and himself. We had done some stupid stuff and we got away with it. Sometimes we would sneak out and go look at the lake at night. School starts in a week and I was a little nervous because the last time I was in school was 1941 and things had changed A LOT over the years.

"Gin come on we have to go" I heard Matt yell from my window at like 2 in the morning.

"Shut the hell up your gonna wake up my brother and get me grounded for life" I whisper yelled through the screen. We were going to sneak out and go to the secret spot where we hung out every night and roasted marshmallows over the fire he had in there and had s'mores. I felt guilty for not telling him the truth about me but it was the right thing to do in the end.

One week later

It was my first day and I was still half asleep.

"Time to get up or Ill dump a bucket of water on your head" Bucky yelled into my room "I have the bucket" me and Bucky shared a room but we figured out how to divide it by building a wooden wall and putting it in between our rooms.

"Ok, ok" I said as I got up Bucky really had the bucket full of water. "I swear if you do that I WILL find a way to get you back for it"

"Fine just get up"

I got up, got dressed, brushed my teeth and had breakfast. Then I put my hair in 2 french braids and Bucky took me to school on his motorcycle.

"Have a good first day" he said "I love you"

"Love you too" I said back "Bye Buck"

Then I walked into class and we had to introduce ourselves. Most of these kids knew each other and me and this one quiet girl were the only new people in the class. The teacher took attendance and started to read names off her computer.

"Rihanna Barkley" she said I knew she was getting close to mine. "Virginia Barnes"

"Here, and I go by Ginny" I said

"Ok" she kept calling names and then one girl caught my eye. She was in the back of the class and stayed silent, she just rose her hand when the teacher called her name and went back ro what she was doing.

"Whos that" I asked the boy next to me.

"Oh her she's kinda weird, she's a Russian exchange student and her and her mom just moved her about a year ago. She also doesn't speak English but she can understand it though" he said. I looked at her and I decided to read her mind. What I found scared the shit out of me. I saw her in HYDRA, and she was a test subject for one of they're experiments. It didn't work so they left her to die and then her mom found her and brought her here to Louisiana to get away from HYDRA.

"My god" I said under my breath. I started to sit with her in each class and since I knew Russian she felt comfortable around me.  It was nice to talk with someone that had been through the same stuff as you even if they don't know. By the end of the day we had become good friends and I even got her phone number so we could chat after school. Me and Matt walked home together since our schools got out at the same time and he lived like .1 miles away from the Wilson house. I got home and Bucky was in the kitchen.

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