The Meeting

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I woke up and I was still on the couch. Bucky looked worried as hell so I jumped up, got dressed, braided my hair and ran over to him.

"Who are we fighting now" I asked knowing something had happened

"Karli, she just shut down the GRC meeting" He said as we walked out the door. We practically ran to a corner and jumped in a taxi. "Take us to the GRC headquarters please" Bucky said rushing.

"Got it" the driver said. We pulled up and the driver gave us a weird look as we walked out.

"Sgt. Barnes" a man said. What the hell I thought I had never heard someone call Buck that before. There were police and law enforcement everywhere and then my phone rang.

"Karli" I said as I walked away from Bucky he looked at me and I mouthed 'go find her' to him

"Aren't you tired of fighting for the wrong side Ms. Barnes" she said

"I've done this before, I know how it ends"

"It doesn't matter if I don't survive this" she said more pissed off "I'm fighting for something bigger than myself. I mean with all the bodies you've collected have you ever been able to say the same"

"You don't think I ever fought for something bigger than myself. Thats all I ever tried to do and I failed twice. It justifies all this death but in the end the nightmares won't go away" I said thinking of everything I had done. "You're gonna remember all the ones you killed. Trust me, dont do this. Dont go down this path, its dark and hard as hell to get off"

"If that's how you feel you should sit this ine out"

"Well you know I ain't doing that"

"Well thank you for taking this call you've been a big help" I hung up and started to move

"This bitch" I said as I ran away to find Buck. I found him and we were both looking for any Flag Smashers

"What did she say"

"It was a distraction somethings about to happen" I said. "They already evacted all the others to a helicopter"

"Go-" Bucky started and then we heard an explosion we ran out side to where ot was. I looked throught the flames and saw a armored car stuck. Me and Buck ran over to help and I saw a second one. "Ill get one you get the other" he said

I ran over to the second car and started to pull on the handles of the doors but it wasn't moving at all "Come on" I was getting scared What if these people die because of me I thought as I pulled harder. I used my powers to pull as hard as I could and the door swing open "GO, GO" I yelled over all the explosions. Then someone hit me really hard and knocked me into pit down below. They followed so I fought back. They swung a pole at me and I blocked it with my powers. I knocked his mask off with my powers and he tried the pole again. I held him back with with my bare hand but he was really strong. I finally got out of that and I started to defend myself,I kicked him and then flipped over his shoulders and started to kick him in the back. I knocked him out and then Bucky fell into the pit too. He had 2 on him and I ran over to help.

"There's still people in one of the cars" I heard Bucky say over the yelling and explosions. Then the car dropped off the side of the road up above.

"Shit" I yelled as I instinctively used my powers to stop it. It was by far the heaviest thing I had lifted and I heard a snap as I fell to my right knee while still holding it. I saw a homemade Captain America shield drop to the ground with a whole bunch of dents and scratches. I felt the load lighten a little bit and I was able to stand up on one leg. Then I saw Sam swoop in with his new suit and wings, he grabbed the car a pushed it back up to the road. I saw Walker run off and we climbed back up to where Sam was in an interview.

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