Chapter 5

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It's so beautiful outside that I think I will take myself down to the pool. Apparently it too has views of the mountains. I haven't swam for a while and I can easily call my bestie, Zoe from down there. I gather my phone, a towel and a book as I plan on spending at least a couple of hours at the pool. Hopefully it won't be too busy as I just want to swim, read and relax. 

I think I will wait until tomorrow to start investigating when I can have a full day. I also need to look for somewhere that I want to eat dinner tonight. I already have a few places to choose from since I did a bit of homework online before I left Chicago. To be honest all the local restaurants look beautiful with menus I can't wait to try but you know, I am here for a couple of weeks so I have time to visit a different one each night. 

It was wonderful to speak to my mom and a part of me misses her, she is my best friend too. She has guided me so well through my years into being a young adult and when Mark decided to split up with me, mom was there with her arms open wide. Dad too. He told me he never really liked Mark much. Honestly, I think all dads around the world will say that to their little girls though, you know just to make them feel better. Which of course it did.

I still have heart ache, I don't think it'll go anytime soon but in hindsight I have now come to realise that perhaps we were just trickling along a little bit, almost on auto-pilot. Our sex used to be hot and passionate until Mark began working. The hours got longer, the nights became shorter and he'd even bring work to bed. It drove me insane. At just twenty-three I felt like a married couple of fifty years. I would read, I binge read my favourite genre being romantic comedy but I also love a good psychological thriller. Yet when Zoe would be talking to me about her hot dates and wild evenings with various different men, I would think that used to be Mark and I. Now look at us. Like an old married couple. 

Even though we were going to be married this Fall, I did have some doubts. Don't get me wrong not about Mark. More about is this the right thing? Are we too young? Am I ready to give up my entire life and passion for being a travel vlogger to stay at home and have children? The thought of having children at this age scares me. It is not on my agenda until I am at least thirty. I know a couple of girls from school who had children last year and they are great mums. Yet they hardly go out anymore and enjoy themselves. I'm not saying they don't like being moms because I know they do, their babies are their world. Only I am not ready yet. Not by a long shot.

I put my thoughts to the side and consider whether I should wear a full on bathing suit or my new hot pink bikini. It's a bit Barbie Girlish. Zoe picked it, she told me it would cheer me up and at least catch the attention of any men close by. I think I will opt for my all in one black bathing suit. It's sensible. I know it isn't exactly man magnet material, I'm not ready to be man magnet right now. I'm still licking my wounds and like I said. I now have that wanderlust bug again having held myself back for the last few years from coming back to Europe. 

I can hear Zoe admonishing me even though she is thousands of miles away. She'd be telling me to get the girls out and frolic around in the hot pink bikini. It makes me chuckle. I do miss Zoe. We've been friends since we were as young as five from our early first school days. We have been through so much together, broken hearts in our early teens, hair disasters with dye, her parents divorcing and endless sleep overs whilst we binged romantic comedies on Netflix. My heart fills just thinking about my best friend ever. 

One swimsuit on and I've pulled over a loose linen dress, it's my favourite colour lime green and it brings out the golden tones in my brunette hair and the flecks in my eyes. I double check I've not forgotten anything to take down with me because I really can't face the thought of having to come back up and head out the door to my suite.

Downstairs it's quiet. Only the receptionist at the desk, the one that was flirting insanely with Mr Grumpy. I smile and she smiles back.  She really has got the whitest teeth I've ever seen and her skin is flawless. I see a sign for the terrace and pool and make my way to the right of the reception area through glass paned double doors, my flip flops slapping on the marble as I walk. I don't know why but I love that sound. 

As I step outside the first thing I notice is how hot it is. I should have remembered that here in Spain the temperatures are often at their hottest during the late afternoon. It's not a problem I'm sure they will have sun parasols out and the cold water of the pool will freshen my skin. I have some sunblock with me in any case. 

The terrace is adorned with large terracotta pots filled with stunning tall plants, their flowers varying shades of pinks and dark pinks. Their leaves glossy and shiny, they almost look fake they are so perfect. Then I spot the pool. The sun is bouncing off the water, it looks like blue crystal and is so pretty. I can't wait to get in it and do some laps. Although I am sure I won't be as fit as I used to be since I've not swam since my school days. 

There are loungers around the pool each with its own umbrella. There is nobody around. I couldn't have wished for more. Serenity at its best. I choose a lounger furthest away from the terrace doors so I can watch who comes out. Yes I am a bit nosey like that and also I never like to have my back to a door. I lay the white hotel towel on the lounger and flop myself down as soon as I've removed my linen dress. I bring my Tiffany shades down over my eyes to protect them and open my book. I think I'll do some reading first then when I'm too hot I will take a plunge in the pool. I have made myself so comfortable and it feels blissful to have the sun partially striking down on my pale skin. I'm looking forward to building up my tan over the next couple of weeks. 

I'm one chapter into my new Lucy Score book when I sense somebody walking out onto the terrace. I lift my eyes so they reach above the top of my book to see who it might be. It's Him. Mr Grump. I blinking well hope he doesn't come anywhere me because I like my space and he is the last man I want close to me. But, he is so damn HOT. 

He's wearing shorts that sit half way up his thighs allowing me to see just enough toned leg beneath them. I allow my eyes to travel up when really I should just bury my nose back in my book, however, I can't. I am drawn to his chest which is bare. Stark naked bare. And Oh. My. God. His body is sculpted to perfection. His chest is the right size of broad, with abdominal muscles that are screaming to be touched. I move my eyes down even further knowing I should try to be a bit more discreet. But hell with that, I am wearing over-sized shades he won't even know I'm staring at him. He has dark hair that decorates his stomach, a very fine line of it and it travels down to below the band of his shorts. He has the perfect v going on. I want to rip his shorts off with my teeth.

Right, this is not me. What on earth is happening to me? I have never in my wildest dreams seen a man like this before, nor have I had a raging feeling to run over and accost any man and rip their shorts off to check their personal stuff out. I mean really? I'm hot, very hot. I can feel the beads of sweat between my breasts and my nipples are beginning to zing as I look at him, my focus on the waistband of his shorts. I force myself to look upwards. His body is covered in beautiful black artwork. Tattoos adorn him not too many just enough to show that he could be a bad boy. I'm moist just looking at him, then he moves. 

I try to adjust myself on the lounger so that I can squeeze my legs together to deal with the longing down below, yet I know if I move too much it will be obvious what I am doing. And also, you know what I don't even like this guy. Why does he have to the have the hottest body I've ever seen?

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