Chapter 52

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Well needless to say I didn't sleep much. I have been awake on and off all night and now I feel totally shattered. Although I am mixed with so many different emotions at once. It's six a.m and I know Sebastian will be awake and I am convinced he will be feeling pretty much the same as me. One minute elated that we will see each other again. Has it really only been twenty-four hours. It feels longer. The next I feel scared. What if he does tell me something that makes me run in the opposite direction? My feelings for him are so strong that they have completely washed over me like a tsunami, I couldn't imagine anything he tells me will turn me off wanting to be with him.

Then there is the whole spending our lives together thing. Am I ready? Does anyone know if they are really ready? This feels right and I cannot imagine my life without him in it now. We have become so close, inseparable and I feel as if he is my soulmate. I inhale and exhale. To say I am nervous is a bit of an understatement. I wish I was with him already.

The house is silent, Zoe and Nate won't wake up until about seven. Zoe is such a bed bug that she'd sleep all day if you let her. Her normal routine is up at seven, shower and teeth then she is straight into the kitchen making pancakes. Me, I like to take my time. It can take me at least thirty minutes before I feel less like a zombie and more like a human being before I dash around getting showered and dressed. That and I need at least two coffees to kickstart me. Too much caffeine in just half an hour? Er, no. 

Talking of which, I could do with one right now. I've got three hours to wait for Sebastian and his driver to come and collect me which will give me sufficient time to decide on what I will wear. Here in Chicago it does get pretty hot in the summer so it is likely I'll opt for one of my pretty summer dresses. If I'm honest it is usually the only time I will wear a dress. The rest of the year I tend to live in my trusty jeans. I must own enough pairs to open a shop targeted just on jeans. Besides they're so comfortable for travelling and snapping away. I look at my camera cast aside on my dressing table, which is covered with candles of all fragrances, trinkets, small boxes I've collected from around the world and the mirror, well I've got a whole collage of photos going on there. It's a girlie room for sure and I love it. I decide to go into the kitchen for my morning coffee then come back and look at some of the pictures I've taken. There are three hours to kill and I don't want to be thinking too much of what Sebastian may tell me, it's turning my stomach inside out and upside down. 

"Whoa, good morning. Didn't  expect anyone up so early. Christ you gave me a shock." Nate is standing in the middle of the kitchen looking out onto communal green space our flats have, there is seating down there, trees and a weird sculpture. Don't ask me what because I'm still to figure it out. It is a cross between a bird and a human, who knows what was going on in the artists mind at the time. 

"Sorry, Ava." He says apologetically and runs his hands through his mop of sandy colored hair. "I have to be at my mom's early to help her move some furniture. We're having this big family lunch later and Dad has put his back out." At least he has some clothes on, not like when I first arrived. He looks smart in a navy shirt, black jeans and loafers. 

"That is such a drag." I say and reach for my coffee cup. Thankfully Nate has already made up a pot of coffee so I can just pour, add creamer and start drinking. It hits the spot and feels like an insta pick me up. I can't express how much I love coffee and the first cup of the day is like an elixir. 

"I don't mind, my folks are pretty good and my mom rarely asks me for anything. Dad's back is not great at the best of times and well my mom has got everyone round to meet Zoe so for he it's kind of a big deal." I smile, it's adorable that she is going to so much effort for my bestie. 

"Zoe is so excited to meet them." I say then take another sip of my coffee. 

"You think, she seems a bit stressed about it to me." 

"Listen Nate, she might be a little bit but truly she is excited. She's honored  that you're taking her home to meet your folks. This is a big deal for Zoe and it should be for you too. Zoe doesn't usually stay with any guy for more than a date."

At this Nate laughs. "Yeah she said. I love her." He says simply.

"Good. And you better not go breaking her heart at any stage or you'll have me to answer to." We clink coffee cups.

"No ma'am. Absolutely not. Right I'm out of here, it's a thirty minute drive to my folks house. Good luck later with your guy." He smiles, places his mug in the dishwasher and heads back to Zoe's room to say goodbye before leaving. It's adorable, my bestie Zoe finally with a man she is serious about. I never thought I'd see the day. I love it. 

My first coffee finished I refill my cup and take it back to my bedroom where I intend to read a few chapters of my book, I'm at the bit where they have just discovered they have feelings for each other. It's an enemies to lovers, basketball star meets a girl trope. Then I must go through some photos and start selecting which ones to load up to my social media channels. I've been so lax doing this the last few days I was with Sebastian and then yesterday was a write off. 

It'll make the time pass quicker and before you know it, it'll be nine and I will see Sebastian and his beautiful kiss me lips, his sultry tiger eyes and his well defined cheek bones and jaw. The thought of seeing him makes my stomach fizz, the nerves are on over-drive. 

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