Chapter 75

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I'm still in a sulk. I should be excited beyond belief to be flying back to Spain to see and be with Sebastian again this evening. It'll be the early of the hours of course since they won't be ready for me until seven tonight. Right when I should be going out with Zoe and Nate for dinner. I then have a wild idea of having them come with me to Spain and being flown back in a week's time. Only that is a pipeline dream since Zoe has her business to run and Nate has patients to see.

Mom has been frantic all day at the thought of me flying out later this evening. She's overwhelmed to say the least and I get that, I really do. Dad hasn't taken it all too well either and shot off to the golf course to hit balls on the driving range. It's now eleven and I am still in my bloody pjs. What I need is to shower and get my shit together and head over to the apartment to pack a few things into my larger suitcases. You know like personal belongings I want before my stuff arrives, clothes, shoes, my favorite sneakers, my teddy bears. Yes those! I sigh as I throw myself on the bed and look up at the ceiling, with my arms thrown over my head and my legs hip width apart. I probably look like a star fish.

I have messaged Sebastian to let him know that I'm not impressed with this turn of events. He was pretty to the point in his response.

Right now, I don't care American Girl. He could be dangerous and there is no point waiting around to see. Besides I miss you, I want you and I need you. Your parents can come anytime they want as can Zoe and her man. They are more than welcome. For now, I want you ready to get on that jet at seven this evening your time. We will see each other tomorrow at noon. You won't ever regret it Ava. I will treat you like a princess. My princess.

I know he will, only I wish it wasn't under these circumstances. What I really want to do right now is drive a knife through Mark's heart. Being torn from my parents and my bestie like this is worse than Mark dumping me. I feel like my stomach is turned upside down. The pain is real. Everything all of a sudden is so real, it all feels final. I know I'm exaggerating because like Sebastian says, they can visit anytime and of course I have his jet at my disposal so I can come back anytime. Only it won't be the same will it? Mark will always be lurking around somewhere and I'll always have to have a detail with me, making me so aware of what an utter prick Mark turned out to be. The man I was supposed to have been marrying. It makes me shudder. Lucky escape, I think.

"You can't hide in there all day, honey. Go over and see Zoe at the salon you've not even messaged her yet. And also can you stop off at Linda's for me and bring home a chicken. I'll do us an early roast before you have to set off. Best to have something in your stomach for a trip like that." I smile because my mother is a serious feeder, that and in a crisis food is always the answer. How she, my dad and I are as slim as beanpoles is beyond me, but we are.

"Sure thing, Mom." I raise myself up, prop myself on my elbows and take a look around my room again. It hits me like a punch in the gut that I'll probably never, ever sleep in this room again. I have a lump in my throat at the thought of it. Is this the way even though I have a new life to go to?

Mom's right though, I do need to go and speak with Zoe. I hope she isn't in the middle of a bloody bikini wax or anything. I know she can't just close up shop early if her order book is full. Nate, well he's really only ever been my doctor. That is why I was so keen to go out with them this evening, to get to know my bestie's man a little bit better.

It takes me just under fifteen minutes to brush my teeth, shower and apply the faintest bit of lip-gloss. You got it. My favorite peach flavor gloss. It reminds me now of Spain and my time there with Sebastian and as much as I want to be over the moon about seeing him in less than twenty-four hours, I still feel hurt and angry with Mark for making my life be turned upside down at this volatile rate. The absolute bastard.

My Levi's are easy to access from my backpack, I team them with an olive green camisole top, white Converse pumps, tie my hair into a messy ponytail and head down the stairs with my black bag over one shoulder. "Catch you later, Mom." I yell out and as I do, I bump straight into the back of Liam.

It hurt my forehead because of course, Liam never budged. "Sorry." I stammer.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asks with raised eyebrows. God, now I need an escort to see my bestie. This is so out of order.

"I'm off to see my friend Zoe to say my early goodbye's and invite her to dinner." I know it's not his fault that I'm leaving early but I feel mean. He nods and allows me to pass.

"Are you walking?" I sigh.

"Of course, it's just down the street and round the corner on to Main street. I do not need a car. You don't have to follow me, I'm going to be perfectly fine." I huff.

"Sorry, can't do that." Is he smirking? He looks like he's smirking and enjoying this.

"Fine." I shrug and begin walking as Liam walks behind me, silently. Good.

I reach Zoe's salon and see her talking to one of the elderly customers, Mrs Zinger who has her nails done without fail every other week. They're looking at colors and I bet Mrs Zinger is going to opt for Tropical Orange. Apparently it's her favorite. She's a sprightly eighty-year old and the whole town loves her. "Hey girl. You're back. So good to see you." Zoe comes rushing over and gives me a hug, takes a step back and notices there's a man behind me. Not any man, a man who looks like David Beckham. Seriously he does.

"Is that, no it can't be. Wait..." Yes she is flustered.

"Are you alright, dear?" Asks Mrs Zinger. Zoe is blushing. It's hysterical. I'm pissed off and she is blushing at a doppelganger. Hysterical.

"No, he's my." I can't find the right words because it all sounds so bloody stupid. Instead Liam steps forward and holds out his right hand.

"Liam. The name's Liam."

"Oh, wow. So James Bond." Zoe smiles and laughs. Isn't she supposed to be dating the hot doctor, Nathaniel? OMG, this girl there is no stopping her. Still a mild flirtation never hurt anyone.

"You are very handsome. If I were fifty years younger, I'd give these girlies a run for their money." Says Mrs Zinger. Liam just nods. Zoe laughs.

"You've still got it Mrs. Z." She says beckoning us both to come into the salon. "So, dinner we're still on right? And who is this man, Ava?"

"Okay, he's my bodyguard. Mark's being a prick..." I don't get to say anything further because her jaw has hit the ground and her eyes are like saucers.

"Is that motherfucker hassling you? I knew it. I just bloody knew it." She breathes out.

"Language, dear." Says Mrs Zinger. It's a bit late for that because when Zoe's mouth starts, it can go some.

Liam gets my attention by touching my right elbow. "I'll be waiting right outside." I nod.

"Mrs Zinger, let's get you seated and started on your nails. You," Zoe says to me, "take a seat next to me over there so we can talk."

As soon as she has Mrs Zinger comfortable and has started on her nails I begin to explain to Zoe everything that has happened since we last spoke. She is speechless. To be honest, so would I be if the shoe were on the other foot.

"So, can you come over to dinner instead to mom's tonight? I'm picking her up a chicken to roast. Mom wants to do a get together early before I fly out at seven."

"Of course, honey. I'll be there. Oh. My. God. I can't believe all of this is happening. I'm going to miss you so much." Zoe hugs me and the tears begin to fall from my eyes. No matter how much I want to be with Sebastian, I'm sure going to miss my bestie so much.

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