Chapter 6

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I'm not quite sure if it's the late afternoon sun or Him being so close to me. Only I am dripping sweat and feel extremely hot. I know I'm flushed with desire. I mean isn't this wrong. Mark and I have literally only just gone our separate ways. I feel slightly conflicted with knowing that in my heart I still love Mark, after five years together you don't just fall out of love with someone. It doesn't quite work like that. Well unless, I suppose you break out because one had an affair or turns out to be some psychopathological murderer. 

With Mark and I it was friendly. Sure he has hurt me a lot. I thought we'd get married and have kids, a dog and the whole white picket fence business. It did come as a total shock when he told me he needed someone to be more at home than I was. Zoe keeps track of his social media pages, I blocked him straight after I found out he had blocked me. I mean really??? Who does that? It's just immature. It isn't as if I would be stalking him on social media. At least if he has or does start dating someone new, I won't be privy to it. That suits me fine, it would hurt. 

He  is standing by the lounger next to mine. Of all the free ones he has chosen to be near me. I hope he doesn't think he can start chatting me up. I'm here to get over my broken heart, read and take some stunning photos. Not be chatted up by the local Spanish Romeo. He sits down, his shorts ride up his thighs slightly and I can't help notice more of his golden skin and super toned thighs. Wow what it'd feel like to run my tongue up his thigh. I stop myself right there. I need to behave. Now I am really conflicted. I have to focus on something other than this Adonis who has decided to park himself up right by my side. I think I need a bit more space. 

He raises his legs so his feet are flat on the lounger and his knees point up. He has his tattooed arms behind his head. I take in the outline of those perfect biceps. It is apparent this man works out on a regular basis. I mean they're defined and honed but definitely not too bulky. That is a look I really don't like. His stomach is so flat I could fry an egg on it, his abs are sculpted. They look almost airbrushed. I am wondering if he is a male model on some downtime.

I reach for my book and open it and start reading. "It's upside down." I hear a voice say. I turn my head to my right. He has spoken. 

"I beg your pardon?" My voice has a haughty ring to it. He has a smirk on his beautiful face. And I mean it is beautiful. His lips are curved up and are so full that Angelina Jolie would have a run for her money. His eyes are intense and I feel drawn into them.

"Your book, it is upside down." He grins. I take a double take on my book. He's right. The bloody thing is upside down. How embarrassing. I groan inwardly. Typical. I'm trying to look cool, sophisticated and not at all drawn to him and there I am with my book on my lap upside down. Great! Now he probably is too well aware that his presence is having an effect one me.

I huff and turn the book the right way up and ignore him. I begin to read only I am mentally distracted because I have the feeling he is still looking at me. I bite my tongue from saying anything to acerbic. It's difficult. My mounting passion at his golden body and those eyes of his, not to mention the sexy tattoos running up his arms and across his chest are getting the better of me.

"How long are you staying?" He asks. I am pretty sure I can detect a smile on those luscious lips of his. The same lips I'd like to run my tongue across. I never felt like this with Mark. Sure when we got together we were only eighteen and like little rampant rabbits but that was then. Over time our relationship became more settled and with his work, we dwindled down to having sex about twice a week. That is pretty abysmal when I think about it, just five years in and still in our early twenties, we should have been at it more often. I want to stop thinking about this stranger's lips and his body. I can't. I'm really trying hard even though it doesn't sound like it.

I am doing my best to ignore him, only I've now read the first paragraph twice and still haven't taken anything in. If you ask me who the main character is, well I'm not lying when I tell you. I honestly don't know. Simply because I cannot focus on my book. I'm incensed with myself. I'm incensed with him for invading my privacy and now he wants to start with cheesy, corny chat up lines. A man who looks like that could clearly have anybody. Why he has decided to talk to me is beyond me. 

I imagine him with leggy girls, blondes, brunettes, black sleek hair. Anyone who isn't plain like I am. My figure is average, slender with small breasts and hips. There's nothing to write home about really. He coughs. I suppose this is to let me know that he is still there and awaiting some kind of response from me.

"I'm not here for chatting up." I reply not looking in his direction. I daren't. I already feel damp down there thinking about him. That in itself lends to a whole lot more of conflict in my mind. Is there something wrong with me? Am I that easy that one minute I'm with Mark then the next I fancy the pants off some complete and utter stranger?

"I am not chatting you up." He replies. Even his bloody voice is sexy. God why does he have to be here next to me? I glance up at the sky. As if God is going to give me an answer. Can't you just make him go away, I plead. 

"It sounds like it to me. I'm not interested." I snap at him as I keep my eyes on my book. I hear him laugh. Even though it is throaty and very sexy, I want to jump off my bed and slap him. Then I imagine him grabbing my hand and pulling me to him, holding my body against his fine form of a man and kissing the life out of me. Okay now I feel like I'm drenching my bikini bottoms. Hell on earth. I groan some more. 

"You're not my type in any case." He says. Right that is it. I want to throw my book at him and slap him as hard as I can. I want to kick his ass right off that lounger and push him in the pool. How dare he? How dare he say something like that to me?

"No I suppose you're more into the bimbo type. Leggy and big fake boobs. You look the sort that prefers pussy over brains." I snap at him. I hear him laugh again. This time is is throatier. It's so damn sexy that it annoys me.

"I like a bit of conversation." He offers. I glance at him out of the side of my right eye. He has his eyes closed, his head is till resting on his arms that are behind his head. He has this whole air of self confidence about him. I can just imagine him with some leggy blonde or brunette straddling him. I feel anger bubble up inside me. Or is it jealousy? Crap. It's jealousy. I'm the least jealous person in the world. Mark has a girl best friend who he has known since he was about five. He's seen her naked after nights out when he has had to put her to bed, it never bothered me. I've never been jealous. Never, Ever. This is a strange sensation. But yes, I am jealous of all the girls he has had. All the girls he has roamed his hands over, kissed their lips and placed his body over theirs. 

"Well I don't want to have conversation with you. If you don't mind just shut up and don't speak to me. I want to read my book in peace. Whilst I'm at it, can't you lounge around a bit further away from me?" I don't bother with please, why should I? He has made himself in my space, not the other way around.

"I'm comfortable. I'm not moving." I now turn my head towards him. This man is outrageous, he has tried chatting me up and now he is behaving like a conceited prick. He is arrogant and obtuse. I'm so livid with him. Yet I am not prepared to budge. Why should I? I was here first. 

"Fine." I say.

"Fine." He replies. Great so now we're going to behave like five year old children in a kindergarten. Fanbloodytastic. I try my best to go back on the first chapter I read since I haven't retained a thing. But it proves useless because my mind is swimming with the vision of him. I'm a lost cause right now. Perhaps I need to swim then head back to my room and speak to my bestie, Zoe. That's what I think I'm going to do. 

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