Chapter 60

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I have landed and boy is it busy. So many people, I guess after a few days back home and having been in tranquil areas of Spain this all seems manic. But I love it. Yes I do. I've always loved New York having visited it a few times now. 

Four times I have been to the Big Apple. Once with my parents when I was fourteen, it was a four day break and we did all the typical tourist bits and pieces. Which I fully intend to do whilst I am here this time. Then I came with a school friend when I was sixteen, getting my parents to let me come for a school photography project was hard work.  I was warned about pick pockets and just about everything else but it didn't put me off. I wanted to the excitement, the fun and to take amazing pictures. Which I have with me for my agent to review. 

Then when I met Mark, on our first dating anniversary he bought me here. We had a romantic weekend in a beautiful hotel right in Times Square. In the heart of the action. I think about it as I wait for my passport to be checked. I'm through and make my way outside to hail a big yellow taxi. 

"Where to lady?" He asks, I am pretty sure that is an Irish accent he has. I give him the address of the hotel. The Four Seasons on 57th East and 57th. He whistles. "Nice hotel." I don't say anything. Sebastian insisted that I stay at one of his favorite hotels here in New York and even though I protested, I didn't get very far. 

"For you my beautiful American Girl, it will now only be the best." He had said with a smile in those ultra sexy tiger eyes of his. He kissed my neck and trailed his lips down to my collar bone, teasing me with his tongue and sending shivers of excitement up and down my spine. That man sure can be persuasive when he wants to be. It didn't take long before I had his white shirt unbuttoned and my hands trailing all over his body feeling his soft skin under my fingertips. 

"You been here before?" The driver asks me, bringing me out of my reverie. Not a bad thing since it was already making me feel horny for Sebastian again. I hope this feeling lasts an eternity. 

"Yes, a few times. When I was a kid twice." I don't tell him about coming with an ex. The least I think about him the better because I still feel like punching him in the face. I have to work on my emotions with regard to Mark. Really I don't think it's healthy that I want to force so much physical pain on any one person. 

"Nice. So you know your way around? Only if not, I can give you my card and be at your beck and call." I notice him wink as I look at him through his rear view mirror. I smile. He is cute in a very rugged kind of way. His light brown hair curls around the nape of his neck and he has friendly hazel eyes. 

"Thank you, but I'm good. I know New York pretty well and other than that I have Google maps to get me round." I laugh and he smiles. I notice how his eyes crinkle. "So your accent, are you from Ireland?" 

"I am indeed my fair lady. Came here with my missus seven years ago and never looked back. She's in retail." 

"Ah. I'm so pleased you love it. It must have been a massive culture shock though right?" He nods and smiles.

"For sure it was. Not for my missus, she is originally from New York and I met her here on a stag party weekend." 

"Oh wow. That's amazing. And you both just hit it off." 

"Well, I wouldn't say that exactly. I had a lot of fancy words to say to win her over. But yeah we agreed to meet the second day I was here and just stayed in touch. Then one thing led to another and well here I am. Little Joey from County Cork, Ireland now in New York City. Who'd have thought it eh, love?" I like this man. He seems genuine and sincere and this is a whole love story all on its own. 

"That's so beautiful. Do you go home much then, back to Ireland?" 

"We do, yes. About three times a year. My ma is over there and I like to go and visit her, keep an eye on her. Make sure my four brothers are in check. You know how it is." His smile is wide and he winks again. I smile back. 

I don't ask him about his dad, perhaps he passed away or left them when they were kids. I feel really happy inside. His story is cute. 

"We're here." He stops the car and turns around to let me know the fare. 

"I'll pay by card if that's okay." I say rummaging around in my small black handbag for my purse and retrieve my card from it. 

"Absolutely." I do have dollars in my purse too and hand him a ten dollar note. 

"Thank you so much." I say as I start to get out of the car. "I really enjoyed chatting with you and hearing your story. I'm here to see an agent about a book. A photography book and your story is beautiful. Do you mind if I snap a couple of pictures of you with your cab?" I hear cars honking around us. That's New York for you. Even when there isn't anything to honk about, they'll still do it.

"Aye that would be grand. I'd like that. So will be I be in your book, like?" He makes me smile, I love his accent it's adorable. I nod. 

Joey steps out of his cab and proudly stands leaning against it with his arms folded in front of his chest, one leg crossed over the other and pulls his shades down. "Perfect." I take a few shots knowing they'll come out brilliantly and really enhance my book, I feel excited that a piece of history and his story will feature in it. "Thanks so much." He nods and gets back in his cab. He has a job to do and really I'm just another paying customer. 

Wow the entrance is amazing and the building is so tall, I couldn't tell you how many floors up it is at this precise moment in time. A man stands outside in his uniform and greets me. I walk through the imposing glass fronted entrance into the foyer and it is breath-taking with its art deco dark and cream marble floor and marble steps a bit further in front of me. This is opulent and somewhere I'd never ordinarily be able to afford. I want to hug myself that I am standing inside one of the best hotels in New York city. Whoever would have thought it. Me, little Ava Gardner from a small town back home in Chicago. I sigh with contentment and thank Sebastian for organizing this for me. My very own dreamboat. 

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