Chapter 29

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I stop and feel as if my jaw has dropped to the ground. I quickly place my hand to my chin to make sure it is where it is supposed to be. "Are you listening, Sebastian?" I hear this evening's receptionist saying to me. "It is urgent. Room 198 have no air conditioning. They have raised a complaint. Can I give them the room free of charge for the upgrade. I'm moving them into the Malaga suite." 

"Yes, yes whatever you think is best." I don't look back as I make my way to the goddess who is coming my way. Her hair is around her shoulders and her lipstick is siren red. I want to kiss her so much until her lips are nude of it. The dress hugs her chest and cinches in her waist which is so narrow then flares out at her hips. She is a vision who has taken my breath away. 

"Ava." I say as I walk towards her. "What can I do for you? Do you need anything? Tell me and I will organize it for you." She looks bold and confident, I'm feeling my heart racing. Am I panting like a dog? I need to control myself she is so damn sexy that I feel myself begin to strain in my pants. Not good out here in a slightly busy reception where people are beginning to mill around as they discuss their evening plans. The way our lobby is designed with the fountain in the middle the lights now dancing with the water and various easy chairs dotted around, allows for guests to enjoy the serenity of our luxurious hotel. 

"Actually Sebastian. I have decided I'd like to go to dinner with you." I am lost for words, as you can imagine this rarely happens to me. I stare into her beautiful eyes and wonder why she has had a change of heart. I remind myself not to wonder too long since she could so easily change her mind again. Especially as I know she is getting over another man and this is probably an act of impulse. I want to take her out of course I do, yet I also don't want to be her rebound. This puts me in a conflicting position with myself since I already know she has taken hold of my heart.

How that has happened I have no idea. It is usually locked away since my childhood sweetheart's loss. I fear to be hurt again. And here I am a man standing in front of a woman who in a short time has captivated my mind and my heart. I try not to think about it too much. 

"Does your offer still stand? I mean if you've already decided on other plans fine. I can take myself off into town." Her chin is tilted upwards and her eyes are now defiant. I smile whilst my heart flips a beat or two. This woman will be the death of me no doubt. One minute she is cold as ice like a glacier and now here in front of me, she is alluring. 

"Of course dinner can be arranged. I am happy you have changed your mind, American Girl." 


"Right, Ava. I prefer American Girl."

"You don't know me well enough to start giving me a nickname."

"But it suits you."

"I prefer you use my name. Once you get to know me you can give me a nickname." 

My heart goes into over-drive, did she really just say, when you get to know me? Does that mean she is going to give me a chance? I calculate she only has four more days here. I don't have much time before she goes to Malaga. My smile broadens more, I feel like a Cheshire cat. This feeling it is insane. I do not understand it. My carefully guarded heart is doing somersaults like Olga Korbut. 

Her hands are on her slender hips. It takes all my might not to throw my arms around her and pull her into me, burying my head in her neck and inhaling whatever shampoo she is wearing. "Would you like a drink while you wait? I have to organise my driver as I cancelled earlier."

"You already had it planned? That's a bit presumptuous isn't it?"  She is pouting. Is she seriously pouting? Is she flirting with me? 

"I was merely hopeful, Ava. And now I am over-joyed you will spend dinner with me. I know of a club it is sophisticated and elegant. Would that suit you? Or would you prefer to wander into the town?" Either way I don't mind since there will not be much paparazzi around. My assistant has already tipped them off that I would be heading to Malaga some days ago. No doubt the bloodhounds are doing their best to find me down there. It makes me smile. If there is something I do enjoy, it is to put the press and photographers off and send them on a wild goose chase. 

"The club will be fine. Am I dressed appropriately?" Her voice is a little nervous and I see some confidence has slipped.

"Ava, Ava, Ava. You look perfect. You are so beautiful it is taking my breath away." I refrain from telling her what else it is doing me as I feel myself straining slightly more in my pants. Her eyes maintain contact with mine. Thank God. Luckily nobody is bothered with our interactions here by the fountain as the classical music filters through the sound system discreetly tucked away behind plants and blooms. 

"I'll have a dry white wine whilst I wait. I'll go and sit over there in the corner." She moves her head to the left to indicate where she will be. 

"Perfect." I gently nod my own head and one of my waiters appears as if out of nowhere. 


"A dry white wine for the lady please. A glass of 1811 Chateau d'Yquem." I instruct him. He doesn't waiver for a second even though he knows it costs around 117 thousand dollars a bottle. The American Girl is worth it to me. I want to treat her like a princess, like royalty. I want her to want for nothing. I am now on a mission to treat her the best a man can. 

Next I pull my mobile from inside my navy suit pocket and speak to my driver. I request he has the car ready in twenty minutes then I call my assistant Elena. "Can you reserve the entire terrace please at Club Malaga and organise for a bottle of 1959 Dom Perignon to be ready with platters of salmon, tuna, shellfish, lobster, beluga caviar and some rich cheeses. Don't forget the strawberries please, Elena." I think if I have forgotten anything else. 

"Special date tonight, Sebastian?" She asks. I can tell she is amused because I have never asked her to book the terrace out before or one of the best champagnes in the world. "Just don't go breaking her heart. You can't help yourself. They all fall hard and are left picking up the pieces."

"Elena, I cannot help that women try to attach themselves to me like I am some trophy. You know I do not date."

"But you are tonight. Have a wonderful time boss. I will organise everything now." I am confident in her ability besides the owner of Club Malaga knows me well and will ensure my request is met. For any other woman I would not make such a request but for Ava. Absolutely. It is not to impress her, I want to give her the world. My heart I already think she has taken, the same heart I vowed never to give away before. Only I cannot help it, it has a mind of it's own. My head and my heart for once feel in sync and I recall my mother and her wise words.

"You must love again Sebastian and allow your heart to let the beauty in. There will be someone new, someone who will take your breath away and make you feel like you are floating on air. She will be the one you must make yours, to share your life with. To treat her like royalty and bestow her with your own generous heart. You are a man who should love and be loved." 

Maybe it is now time, only what if Ava does not want the same thing? But I won't think about that now. Because right here, right now she is agreeing to dinner with me. Excitement curses through my veins, butterflies dance in the pit of my stomach as I make my way to where she sits like a true lady sipping delicately at her glass of finest wine. She is like beauty personified. 

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