Chapter 20

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Well what can I say? I am angry. Why? Because he is so damn irresistible and I don't want to fight with my emotions all night over dinner and small talk to someone I am beginning to think is hotter than I can handle. I still feel emotionally wrecked after Mark ditched me even though I have already gone over this. He has been respectful so far in the car, and at least I can breathe somewhat easier knowing he hasn't got a girlfriend or wife tucked conveniently away. That makes me exhale. I am most definitely not the kind of girl who dates an attached man. I would rather slit my own throat. Dramatic? Well knowing Marc has moved Charlotte in kind of gives me the upper hand on knowing how damn hard and upsetting that is. It cuts me through my body like a knife slicing through butter. It. Really. Fucking. Hurts. 

To stop the tears from welling up in my eyes I take Pedro's hand as he assists me in getting out of the car. He is a short stocky man in his early sixties I would say and has a warm and appeasing face. Pedro looks to me like the type of man who spends Sunday afternoons with his family seated around a long outside table. I imagine him to have at least six children and at least twelve grandchildren. He smiles warmly at me. 

Sebastian is already out of the car and making his way towards me. Please don't touch me because if you do I will probably melt. You are so damn filthy hot. As he walks toward me I look at the splendor in front of me. The restaurant is cream on the outside with large ornate, arched shaped windows. Each one has a display of bricks from the arches. There are baskets heavy with flowers hanging on the outside of the restaurant and glowing lights give it an inviting and welcoming feel. 

The trees lining up each side to the doorway are decorated with twinkling fairy lights. I feel like I am in some kind of magical fairytale wonderland. It makes me gasp with its beauty. I spot a fountain to the right and can hear the gentle tones of classical music, to which the water seems to dance to. I am mesmerized.

"Do you like it?" Sebastian asks. His voice is like silk, it feels like a caress akin to the warmth of the sun on your shoulders. His closeness makes me tingle. I can smell his fragrance, lemons, cinnamon and a touch of musk. I inhale. Oh God. Did he just seem me sniffing him in? I blush with embarrassment. His smile ignites me. This isn't good. Not good at all. I don't want to feel attracted to him. To be perfectly honest, I don't actually want to be attracted to anyone. Not now, not tomorrow and not for a very long time. It will take me an awful long while to get over the hurt and betrayal of Mark. 

"It is stunning. Thank you for bringing me here." I say because actually it is beautiful and I want to surrender myself to this moment with the vision in front and around me. I wish I had brought my camera but I do have my phone. I reach into my evening purse, a small vintage, 1920's black beaded bag that I found at a vintage market back home. Taking my mobile out I swipe up the screen to access the camera. Sebastian looks on amused. Of course he would. This must be his everyday type of dining. For me it isn't. I mean I do go to the odd fancy restaurant but there is something special about being nestled on the top of a mountain, the evening sun shimmering down on me and this luxurious setting greeting my eyes. I begin to snap away. 

"For my vlog." I tell him. He nods and places his right hand on the small of my back. It makes me leap almost five feet in the air. Sebastian pulls his hand away as if he has been torched. "What do you think you are doing? Don't touch me. Ever." I add emphatically.

"I did not mean to be overly familiar, merely to guide you inside." 

"Well don't. Just don't." I sound almost hysterical. I can't let him touch me purely and simply because he made my body feel like it was electric. The warmth of his hand on my lower back sent my pulse racing and a warm sensation rose from my core. No way can I allow this Adonis to come within a few feet of me. Even then that is way too dangerous. I'm confused as to how I can want to hate him so much, yet feel inexplicably drawn to him. What he needs is some kind of warning sign stamped across his shirt. 

His smile fades and now I just feel downright mean. It was harmless I know that but the sensation radiated through my entire body. It took me by surprise that's all. "I am sorry. I meant not harm. Let us go." I still feel like a heel. I don't want to spoil the dinner. I'm not a bad or mean person and right now I feel guilty for reacting like a volcano. Even poor Pedro got a shock and stepped back. 

Sebastian instead stretches his right hand out to guide me along the path. He is a true gentleman. I turn and give a small wave to Pedro who no doubt has to suffer the boredom of sitting outside alone all night whilst we dine in fine luxury. "Will he just sit in the car?" I can hear the gravel underfoot crunching. I am glad I didn't go all out and wear my stileto heels. Instead I opted for my black ballet pumps. 

"No of course not. What do you take me for? I'm not an ogre. He will go and dine with the staff. He knows them well and his cousin is the chef in any case. It is a big family here in Santa Fe. We all take care of each other." Sebastian nods and smiles at the handsome waiter who opens the door for us. I can only stand and marvel at the array of fairy lights hanging beautifully from beam to beam. Tall candles stand on marble pillars and cast an orange glow against the white washed walls. I could hug myself, it is like being wrapped up in a cashmere blanket. Sebastian looks down at me, his lips form a smile. It takes my inner strength not to stand on my tiptoes to kiss his perfect full lips. His eyes are like molten lava. I am staring into them for a few seconds too long. I try to tell myself to stop looking into them but I can't. I want to throw myself against his chest and feel his hands slide down my back. Stop it right now. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Okay I've stopped at the sound of the waiter. "Your table is ready for you sir." He leads the way in his black tight fitting trousers and crisp white shirt. His jet black hair is curly, I can only imagine he is popular with the younger girls. 

The first thing that I notice is the emptiness. Is this not a very popular restaurant? Where is everyone or do they come out much later? The waiter takes us to the centre table, dressed with a white damask table cloth and the finest crystal glasses. The cutlery I can already tell is silver, wow this is some place. I can't wait to check out the menu. My stomach grumbles since I haven't eaten since this afternoon. Usually I would snack and have a couple of smoothies but here I am all of kilt with my routine. I rub my stomach.

"Hungry?" I nod at Sebastian. I am famished.

"Very." The waiter pulls the chair out for me, the cover matches the tablecloth and it is tied at the back with a large white, satin ribbon. This would be the perfect wedding venue. I am itching to take more pictures but I don't. I refrain from reaching for my camera. The other thing I want to do is sneak off to the ladies and google who this Sebastian Garcia is. I need to know exactly who I am having dinner with. At this point I feel I ought to explain this is the most off radar thing I have ever done. I have never, ever gone to dinner with some random man I don't know. Hell going for dinner was not even something I had anticipated, certainly not with a hot body, killer bee stung lips that Jolie would be jealous of and tiger eyes that are so damn sexy. 

Sebastian sits down opposite me. Good, I think. I am not sure how well I would do with that heat and energy so close to me. I'd probably end up doing something totally stupid like inch towards him and kiss him and slide my hand up his supreme well muscled thighs. Just the thought of it makes me slightly moist. I want to slap my hand to my head and groan only I can't. The waiter is hovering waiting for Sebastian to order our drinks. 

"A bottle of Dom Perignon." He says. The waiter nods and moves away. I pick my jaw up off the ground. DP? Is he kidding me? 

"Don't think you're going to seduce me and notch me up on your bedpost tonight." I tell him.

"You would enjoy it. I am a wild man in the sheets." He winks, I get wetter yet want to slap him for being so bloody cocky. 

"No doubt and I am a lioness. Once you have me you never want anyone else." Well except if your name is dickhead Mark of course. Sebastian throws his head back and laughs. It is deep, throaty and very sexy. Wetter panties. I'll be taking them off before I know it if I'm not careful. 

"Then I can't wait to experience you my American Girl. I warn you though. I am an animal, I will pin you down and run my hands up your leg so slowly until you are throbbing and aching for me to enter you with such a force, you will be begging me for mercy." He winks. Right that is it, I am going to have to go to the ladies and at least dry myself off. I may even need to get myself off. It won't take long because the bit about begging him for mercy totally got me. I squeeze my legs together tighter thankful he can't see. I bet he knows. He winks again. Yeah, he definitely knows. Good. I hope his cock is straining in his pants. 

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