Chapter 64

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It's been a long flight. I feel like I've been living on my jet, what with the recent hotel tour and then flying to Chicago and now back. I've not managed to have any sleep. Again. I've been thinking about so many things. Yet my heart sings at knowing that Ava has not rejected me, that she hasn't decided to blank me anymore.

I honestly thought when I explained to her about Arabella, that would be it. After all, Ava is but a young woman herself with so much to explore in the world. I will never stop her. I want the absolute best for my American Girl and I cannot wait for us to start our next chapter in life.

Deep inside I feel a stirring for my American Girl. The thought of holding her in my arms again and feeling her lips on mine, her slender body pressed up against me and beneath me. Desire crushes through me like a tidal wave and at almost three in the morning as my jet begins its descent, I feel this immense urge to go to my private bathroom on-board and take care of myself. Only I don't.

Thankfully, my attendant is discreetly sitting in her chair and reading. I rarely require anything when I'm flying and she knows that for the most part the time is her own. She even has her own cabin to freshen up, sleep a few hours on the long haul flights like this one or watch a movie. My own stipulation is that for take-off and landing she is on hand.

Ordinarily I will get my own meal if I can be bothered. I like to rummage around in our fridge. It has been known for me to make myself something cold and easy. I miss cooking when I am away from home. It is something I love to do and am passionate about. My mother taught me how to cook and even though she doesn't need to do this every day since my father hires a chef, she is happiest in her kitchen. Thinking of my mother makes me smile, it abates the desire to want to fuck Ava. I'm too tired to even take myself in hand and see to myself. I will wait the three weeks until we are together. I'll probably suffer from blue balls but it will be worth it.

I check the time, we will be landing in under twenty minutes. My attendant has put her book away and comes towards me. "Sir, we will be landing soon. Do you need anything?"

"No, thank you." She removes herself to the front and opens the door to the cockpit to speak with the pilot. Ensuring my seatbelt is buckled, I close my laptop and rest my head back as we begin to descend further. I am excited to see my daughter in just a few hours.

Marissa will be waiting for me at her sprawling villa in Malaga where Arabella has been living since the passing of my ex. It has not been easy on either of them and I have witnessed my carefree, loving daughter become more withdrawn and less outgoing. It worries me. Again, I think about what she has had to go through not just recently but finding out that the man she thought was her real father, was in fact not her father at all. That she had a different father. At only four this would be confusing for any young child. Then with her mother passing away last year. I shake my head, my heart goes to her.

By the time we touch down it is already four in the morning. It is pitch black outside but in an hour or so, dawn will be upon us with it's beautiful sunrises offering the promise of yet another gorgeous day here in Spain. It never ceases to amaze me, of the all the places in the world that I travel, I love my country the most. It has all that you would want on offer, with the mountains, the Mediterranean sea, culture, people, diversity and the richness of its countryside.

I only have to wait a few hours until I see my daughter. I'm so excited to hold my baby girl in my arms and see her amazing blue eyes. These she inherited from her mother and her long dark hair. That she has from both of us in colour.

Marissa's driver is waiting for me, I wince when I think how early he has had to get up to meet me. It is irrelevant that she pays him well, it is still an unearthly hour when I already know Marissa will need him throughout the day until at least five in the afternoon.

"Good to see you again, Sir." I nod and thank him as he opens the door of the Bentley for me to get inside. The scent of the leather enlightens my senses with the smell of luxury as he steps in to the driver's seat and begins to pull away from our private airfield.

He already knows via my assistant, Elena to take me straight to Marissa's villa where I can freshen up in the guest house. A rural masia with five bedrooms each one decorated by a different designer, a large open plan kitchen-diner-lounge and five bathrooms. I keep telling her she could rent this fantastic accommodation out, but she wants to keep it for close family and friends only. Her new husband is in finance and there is no concern about money.

Whilst he drives I pull out my mobile from my jeans pocket and begin typing a message to Ava. It will now be ten in the evening, she will still be awake.

Hey American Girl. I have landed. In the car on the way to Marissa's villa. How was your day?

Wow, I didn't expect you to message me so early your time. I thought you'd try and get some sleep in the car. Did you sleep on the jet?

Not much. I had work to do. Japan is taking up a lot of energy right now. It will ease off once the trip is out of the way.

I had an okay day. Erm....

Tell me!!!

I bumped into Mark.

I am instantly angry at the mere sight of that man's name. How can Ava possibly bump into her ex in New York City? How does that happen? Unless he has been stalking her? My mind goes berserk with all sorts of random and wild thoughts about her ex stalking her. Then I wonder, did she plan to meet him there? Is that what actually happened? Maybe she had contacted him when she ran off from me in Zaragoza.

I count to ten before I allow myself to message her back.

What do you mean, you just bumped into him?

I know right?! Of all the places he had to be where I was. The dumbest thing is that if I hadn't of stepped out of the hotel at that precise time, I'd never have seen him nor he me.

And, what happened?

We had a coffee. That's all. I can tell you I am not interested in him at all, Sebastian. He hurt me too badly. Besides you already know you have my heart.

I feel like I'm having heart palpitations. Coffee. Mark. Together. Now I'm really pissed off. Okay, so it's just an innocent coffee but I still want to slam my fist into his mouth.

Mi carina, I know how much you love me. That is not what concerns me. What concerns me is that he may have been following you or something.

Don't be ridiculous. Mark wouldn't have a clue where to start on following himself let alone anyone else. He was in The City for business.

I know she isn't telling me everything. My gut tells me that Ava is hiding something from me. I let it go since the driver has pulled off the road. I can hear the crunch of gravel under the tyres and know we are already at the villa, Casa Hermosa. Which means beautiful house. And it is. This grand property with twenty bedrooms, all with bathrooms, a staff quarter in one wing, two dining rooms one for family and the other for entertaining is indeed the size of a castle. Marissa has chosen well. The guest house is to the left of the large property.

We will talk later. I have arrived at Marissa's. I need to freshen up and be focused when I see Arabella again. You understand?

Sure, absolutely. I love you, Sebastian.

I love you too American Girl.

The driver opens my door and I step out. It is already mild, around twenty one degrees. It will be a scorching day today. Don't ask me why, but I just have a gut feeling about Ava and the coffee with Mark. If he ever hurts her again, he will have me to deal with. 

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