Chapter 16

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I am sweating even though I tried to remain calm, cool and collected. I wasn't if I am honest, expecting the American girl to say yes. She looks challenging and maybe this is part of her attraction. Not to mention her beautiful face that was illuminated further by the rays of the sun shining down on her. Now I am excited to take her to the restaurant tonight. I know she will love it. Everybody falls in love with Casa Amor. 

First I need to have the difficult conversation with my father and why I will not be going to Malaga to sort out these issues on the new hotel. I do have someone I can send in my place. There is nothing that is going to come between me and the American girl. She is someone I would give everything up for. To feel her lips on mine, hold her in my arms and watch the stars with at night. She makes me feel something I have never felt before. I can't put my finger on it but it is real. My heart was pounding when I stood close to her and my stomach fluttered incessantly. 

I bid my farewell to the lovely Scottish couple and their love for one another makes me determined not to settle for anything less in my own life. Sure there have been women but not as many as you may think for someone in my position who can have anyone or anything. I am not that kind of man. I want what they have, I want what my parents had. Something that is real, something that will make me want to be a better man. 

I know that the American girl will not be here permanently and for her it may just be a dinner. I can only hope she will relax when she knows that I am not arrogant and conceited. My stomach wrenches as I think about our first encounter when I stood looking grumpy at her in the reception. I was too close to her but I couldn't help it. I could smell her coconut shampoo and it took all my strength not to touch her soft luscious hair. She has hair like the mane of a horse. 

Tonight I will spoil her with the best food here in Santa Fe, live music and flamenco dancers and the finest champagne. Naturally I will behave like a gentleman and not allow my desire for her to rule my head. I know with her I must take it slow. This American girl is someone I want to get to know, to linger over and to be gentle and patient with. She is not some conquest or someone I want to bed to satisfy my lustful needs. No. To me she is the woman I would want to give my life to. Don't ask me how I already know this because to be absolutely honest, I am already scared of how I feel. I am scared that she has my heart from the start and I will lose myself in her, only to be hurt when she leaves. There is nothing I can do, I cannot stop the tidal wave I know is presenting itself. 

My mother used to tell me that one day I will fall in love. "You will know nothing else but the way you are driven to be with that person."

"How mama do you know it is the one?"

"Sebastian darling, you will just know. It will tie your stomach in knots. You won't be able to think of anything else but her. She will be the one you want to give your life for. It will sweep you away and up. You will feel like you are the man on the moon." My mother had hugged me to her and kissed the top of my head. I can now understand at thirty what exactly she had meant. I am already knotted up and excited to see the American girl's face tonight. 

Annika on reception smiles at me. I smile back. There are a few people mingling in the cool reception area. Some are enjoying the air conditioned space. Outside it is already nearly thirty degrees with a promise high of thirty seven degrees. I for one will not be venturing outside much. Besides having to call my father back there is something else I do need to take care of. In the small bundle of fun and laughter, called Isabella. She is the light of my life and has been for the past five years. 

I make my way to the private lift that will take me to my penthouse apartment. I see the American Girl through the mirrored doors of the lift and quickly duck behind a marble pillar. I do not want her to know who I am just yet. I know this sounds terrible yet I have been hounded by women all my life because I am Sebastian Garcia. It is important to me that this American Girl will have dinner with me because of me, not because of who I am. I cannot tell you the amount of times a woman has had dinner with me then found out about my wealth, our family history and then stalked me. It has been hard and I know it comes with the territory, but all I am looking for in life is love. Simple, uncomplicated and unconditional love with a woman who cares for me as I will for her, whether we had money or no money. 

I watch her from my hiding place and see her consult a map. It makes me smile. With all the technology we have these days I love to see anyone looking at a good old fashioned map. Her eyebrows are scrunched together as she studies it. I want to go over to her and ask her if she needs any help or if there is somewhere of particular interest she is looking for. I don't. I cannot risk her thinking I am invading her space and time again. I must be patient, I must allow her freedom to discover on her own. My heart is racing just watching her as she now pouts her lips and adjusts the sunglasses propped up on the top of her head. 

As soon as she has moved away and out of the entrance I move away from where I have hidden and towards my private elevator then press the button and wait. Within seconds the doors open and I am transported to the very top. I don't look at myself in the mirrored lift, my head is turned up as I lose myself with images of the American girl dancing before my eyes. 

My phone rings. It is my father again. "Have you left yet?" His tone is short. This is not going to be the easiest conversation. It will be the first time ever that I have not followed through with my role. And for a girl. 

"Papa I cannot attend this time. I will send Enrique. He has very good knowledge of the project and the build. You know he can.." I am interrupted. My father has erupted, something he rarely ever does especially with me. 

"What do you mean you are not going and sending Enrique. Sebastian this is not good enough. Do I need to remind you we are already behind. This is the signature hotel we are talking about. I want you on a flight within the hour." I wait for him to calm down. 

"There is no way I can go tonight papa." I sigh and run my hands through my tousled dark hair. My lift opens and I step out into the foyer of my penthouse apartment. It is cool and welcoming. I make my way across the open plan lounge and dining area and take a left down a wide floor to ceiling glassed corridor that takes me to my office with views across the vineyards and to the mountains in front of me.

"Why ever not. I need an explanation Sebastian and it had better be good. Unless you are having a heart attack, I expect to meet you there." 

"I have a dinner engagement papa. I cannot get out of it." I try to be patient with him. I daren't tell him it is with someone I have just met and cannot get out of my mind. It will only incense him further. 

"Well cancel the damn dinner." He roars down the phone. 

"I cannot do that papa. I am going to call Enrique now. He can go and meet you. There is no need for me to be there. I am confident between you and Enrique you can sort everything out. This is not open to discussion papa. It is an engagement that is very important to me." 

"How can anything be more important than the Malaga site?" His voice has a calmer tone. What can I tell him? Matters of the heart are far more important to me, this woman I have just met means more to me than all the billions in my account right now. 

"Trust me papa, this is more important. Let me go as I need to bring Enrique up to speed." I hear my dad muttering something about how it had better be more important before he hangs up on me. I sigh. 

Any second American girl will allow me to have with her, will be the most important to me. One second with her would be a lifetime of happiness and if it is all I can have, then I will take it. 

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