Chapter 40

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I have spent the last six days when I could with Ava and it has been magical. After my long days at the various hotels, we have had romantic meals, strolls through the old towns holding hands and enjoying each other's company. Only I know in four more days she will be deciding to go back home or to another destination. She hasn't committed yet and I don't want to pry too much. I have no hold over her and I know I shouldn't even have been trying to get her to want to stay with me. Only I already know I am going to feel lost without her. 

At night we have been passionate and she has brought out a side of me that I didn't really know existed. I love it when she is open and ready for me and commands me to thrust myself deep inside her. She is sexy, beautiful and a woman driven by insane lust as am I driven by her insatiable need for me. Ava has told me she has never been like this with any other man before and I believe her.

I'm not going to lie I am a little jealous of the time she spent with Mark. He got to see her grow into the beautiful sassy woman that she is today. They shared their first kiss, their first love making, their first movie, their first holiday. So many firsts. I wish all her firsts had been with me. I sigh as I listen to the new manager of our hotel in Zaragoza tell me about some refurbishments that are now complete.

"If you would like to see the master suites, I'd be happy to show them to you." Mia is the hotel manager and has been with us for twenty years, she started out as the receptionist at this very hotel. My father and I subsidized her training so she could go through college and study business to become the manager here. Her children now grown up work for our hotel too. We are a local employer of over three hundred staff. It fills me with gratitude that we are able to offer such stability to the locals. 

"Of course. Thank you, Mia. How are the children?" I ask as I haven't seen them since I arrived. She leads the way along the marble outside corridor with arches to the left and pushes open a heavy wooden door. 

"They're doing so well. I wonder where the years have gone, they're so grown up now. Lottie is already studying at college she intends to stay on here and Marco is working the gardens still. He is studying design and would like to have his own business. He's planning on having a team together to take care of the hotels around this area for you." 

"Impressive. They're good children and of course, we'd definitely be open to have Marco be the lead on the gardens here in Zaragoza." We have this main hotel, a large imposing property with one hundred and fifty rooms. Except for six large suites with their own pools, the remainder of the rooms are all luxurious doubles. Each with a balcony offering stupendous views of the almond groves and mountains that dominate the skyline. Our smaller boutique hotel is in the heart of Zaragoza and has just twenty exclusive rooms. 

"He could branch out and be in charge of some of the other regional hotels. We'll speak with him after his studies but I think it would be a good idea for him to start his business plan and present it to myself. I can have Isabella look over it and ensure we're ready for him when he is." 

"Thank you so much, Sebastian. I can't tell you how grateful we are." I nod. I am not very good with open displays of gratitude, I am merely doing my part and ensuring that families have a decent salary and food on the table and wherever possible can remain together. Too many youngsters these days want to move away to the large cities, Barcelona, Madrid, London and so forth to earn big money. Nothing beats here, however. We have everything from the sea, mountains, almond and hazelnut trees to the rich culture of our history and people. 

As I follow Mia my mind is back on Ava. I wonder if she is having a wonderful time milling around the old cobbled streets, taking her photos. She is good and I mean seriously good. She brings out so much that I can't see with my own eyes. There is a definite talent there and I know the book she is planning on publishing will do well. In any case, we will be buying copies for several rooms in our hotels. All of our hotels. I think back to last night as we laid in each others after three rounds of hot, smoldering sex. Her voice still in my ears.

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