Chapter 23

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"Oh my God, Zoe I can't believe that I brought myself to orgasm right there in front of him and at the frigging table." I can hear my bestie in fits of laughter. I know she is having a huge laugh at my expense who wouldn't?

"Ava, Ava, Ava. That has got to be the best thing you have told me since that dipshite Mark ditched you. Honestly girl it's the best. I bet after being on some kind of extended non-sex kick, you came like a gushing waterfall." She continues to laugh. It is making me smile a bit only because her laugh is so cute. Zoe snorts when she laughs and sounds like a piglet. It is so adorable. Only my orgasm in front of Sebastian at dinner is so not funny. Not. Funny. 

"Something like that." I mutter as I lay back on the bed, my feet dangling to the floor. This bed is so comfortable I wish I could ship it back home to my bedroom in the house I share with Zoe. Which reminds me, I really ought to start thinking about getting myself a place. For now though I am enjoying Zoe's company and I especially love our girlie nights in with popcorn, movies, wine and bitching about men. Well me at least, I bitch about men. Namely one man. Mark. Zoe is always fantasizing about men, especially Nathaniel. I really ought to get her off topic and on to her favorite subject Nathaniel. 

"Well tell me what did he do? I bet he was shocked out of his seat. I'll wager his dick was so loaded and ready to fire. Do you think it's huge?" I guffaw whilst still swinging my feet over the bed. 

"Zoe trust me, I bet it's as big as anything. That man is a dream but that is no excuse for coming in my frigging panties at the dinner table. It's just as well he hired the restaurant out for just us two."

"Wait. What? He hired the entire restaurant for your date night? Oh. My. God. That is amazing. You have got to get in there girl. I'm telling you otherwise someone else will." She sounds in awe of Sebastian. Actually I am too even though I really don't want to be. I don't want to feel excited by him, attracted to him or lusting after him dying to play with my clit to get myself off again. 

"Yes the whole restaurant and we're talking a mountain retreat not just a diner with something like ten tables. The place was spectacular and the flamenco dancers were impressive. They were stunning and their movement. It was breathtaking." I sigh. It really was extraordinary.

"Listen girlfriend you need to consider having a fling with this man. What are you waiting for? You'll be old and wrinkly before you know it. Your life is now. He sounds like he is some kind of sizzling fine piece of a man. You have got to get some action otherwise you're pussy is going to take a walk." I laugh. Zoe always makes me laugh. 

I imagine her at her salon getting ready to close up for the day. Wearing her black smock uniform with black trousers and her embossed logo Z's in hot pink on the front with her hair sleek and hanging down like a horse's mane. 

"Shut up Zoe. I don't need to get in on any action. I'm leaving in a few days for Malaga. What's he going to do follow me there? You know I don't do the shag them and leave them thing. I'm not like you." The words slipped out before I thought about it. 

"I just like to have fun Ava. I keep telling you life is too short." I know she means it. Zoe's little sister died of lymphoma five years ago and ever since then Zoe has lived her life to the fullest. She never frets about anything. If she wants to do something she does it. She's tried everything from bungee jumping, rock climbing to parachute jumping. The girl is fearless. There are times I wish I could be a little more like her. Yet I can't. "Besides," she continues. "Who knows where this thing with Nat will lead. I'm hoping a lot more than a few sweaty nights between the sheets. The man is hot but he's funny, kind and generous too." He sounds almost like Sebastian to me who at first I thought was a grumpy prick but turned out at dinner to have a very sexy side of him. The way he winked at me and said my name. I can't think of that now whilst I'm talking to my bestie.

"I hope it goes all the way for you I really do, Zoe. Nat is such a good guy, the whole town loves him. I'm so happy for you. When do you see him again?" I hear her salon door chime, either she is leaving for the day or someone has just come in. It's midnight here in Santa Fe and my calculation tells me it is five o'clock her time. I look at the sheer white curtains as they drift with the evening cool breeze. It's like something out of a movie. 

"We see each other tonight. I am so excited Ava, we're going to a movie then for a couple of drinks. I'm trying to take it slow but you know me. I don't want to waste time." She giggles. I miss her and want to give her a hug. "So enough of me. What are you going to do about super stud?" 

"Nothing I suppose. I didn't agree to meet him tomorrow. He offered to take me sight seeing but I just can't face him after embarrassing myself at dinner. Not only that he made me sit through the entire night and as wonderful as the dancing and the food were, not to mention the champagne. I was mortified and swept between wanting to put his dick in my mouth and tearing all his clothes of."

"Nothing wrong with that." Zoe interjects.

"And wanting to get the hell out of there to cringe in my room alone. There you go, I am too damned scared to see him again. That man has this effect on me and it's bloody dangerous. I can't go there. What if I sleep with him? I could get addicted to him then where will I be?"

"Exactly where you need to be Zoe. There isn't anything to rush home to now is there? Your parents are used to you being away long periods at a time. I'm all good with the business and Nat, fingers crossed. Go for it I say. Stop worrying. Listen I am pretty damned sure he was turned on when you climaxed in front of him. Trust me girl, a man finds that a huge come on. Wouldn't surprise me if he knocked one out the moment he got back to his swanky penthouse or wherever he lives." She is giggling again. 

"He lives here in the penthouse."

"No fucking way." Her voice is filled with admiration. "How rich is this man? Is he a fucking billionaire?"

"I have no idea but he owns the hotel."

"And you forgot to mention that to me did you? Jeez, Ava. What else is there to tell me? Spill."

"I don't know that he is a billionaire, I know he owns the hotel and his is the penthouse. There are two, the other is for his father when he comes to visit. They are in the luxury hotel and development business. I'm guessing he didn't want to say too much in case he thinks I am one of those types of women who just lust after dollar bills. I'm going to Google him tomorrow. I'm too tired tonight." Zoe laughs.

"He should know that you are the most down-to-earth girl this world could ever know. You're the backpacking travel vlogging hometown girl."

"Yeah you and I know that Zoe, but he doesn't. I'm not surprised if he is keeping things close to his chest."

"You gotta have that fling Ava sweetie. Promise me to throw all caution to the wind and get that pussy hammered out of the ballpark." I laugh out loud and continue to swing me feet. It's pretty late and I am now feeling tired. I love the fact that I can stay up late and chat to my bestie, knowing tomorrow I have all the time in the world to wander around, hire a car which is on my agenda and take photos to my heart's content. Only I know that Zoe is probably desperate to get away from her salon and start getting ready for her hot date with doctor Nathaniel. 

"Maybe. I don't know. I'm going to play it by ear. It's not as if I won't bump into him in any case, since he lives in the penthouse. Aside from being grumpy at reception on my day of arrival, he did nothing to avoid me at the pool." 

"Well I want a full update tomorrow that you've sought him out, giving him a good seeing to and that you feel utterly battered down below. Listen girl. I have to go if I want to be ready for seven for my date with Nat."

"Sure thing. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Have a wonderful time Zoe. Love you." 

"Love you too girl." She hangs up and I place my mobile down on my chest and stare at the ceiling with its beautiful honey coloured oak beams. They remind me with their knots of the coat of a Bengal cat. Before I know it, I've drifted off to sleep dreaming about Sebastian and my legs wrapped around his neck, with his warm, soft tongue probing deep into my lady flower and my cum dripping down his chin. 

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