Chapter 51

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Well what can I say? There is absolutely no way I am going to be able to sleep much tonight and fancy letting me hang on like this. If my heart wasn't gravitating so strongly towards him, I'd simply say forget it, tell me now. Only he came across stern on the messages that I didn't dare push it. Especially not after Sebastian has come all this way to see me. I mean really. Just drop your bum on your private jet and fly a few thousand miles to see the girl of your dreams. It is amazing. This is truly the stuff that movies are made of, you know Hallmark movies in particular. I wonder if I could write a book about us. I can't wait to tell Zoe when she comes back in with Nate. Talking of which, that is getting pretty serious, meeting his mom tomorrow. Crikey.

I am still staring at my phone, in particular a selfie of Sebastian and I. We're sitting at the roof terrace restaurant he booked for us in Grenada. My smile takes up my whole face and his tiger eyes are looking down on me with desire and passion. He is definitely a passionate man, I think personally it's a Spanish man thing. He is open, wild and abandoned. The intensity with which he made love to me and fucked me, well let's just say my legs were left shaking for hours afterwards.

My heart is not lurching all over the place now that we have messaged. I still can't believe that a man like Sebastian Garcia has flown all this way to see me. To make matters worse, the woman what's her name? Marissa, yes that's it. Turns out to be his exes sister. Now I feel more stupid and ridiculous than I did before, leaving him at the airport seconds away from being escorted off the premises. I've not even looked on the social media sites or YouTube to see what pictures have sprouted up of him. I daresay he hasn't either. Still at least it will show that he is human and has emotions, not some billionaire who is cold hearted and taken for a womanizer. Maybe now all those wannabe Mrs Garcia's will finally realize he is off the market. 

I hear the front door close and Zoe's footsteps coming towards my room. From the sound of it she's wearing another rocket high pair of skyscraper stilettoes. There's a gentle knock on the door. "Can I come in?" 

"Of course. I'm not asleep it's only ten." 

"I saw your light under the door otherwise I'd have left you sleeping." She takes off the most ridiculously high pair of shoes I've ever seen. They must be new, I bet she bought them to impress Nate. God she's probably worn them to bed stark naked. Right stop that train of thought right there. She's your best friend for goodness sake. 

"So did you call or message him?" Zoe flops herself down on my oversized beanbag. "I love this nook, it's so cosy." She makes herself comfortable and snuggles into me. 

"I did and he responded. You're never going to guess what?"


"First, how did your dinner with Nate go?" 

"Oh for goodness sake girl, I want to hear how your conversation with Sebastian went. Never mind about Nate and I. We're all good but oh my God the man drives me insane with his smile and sexiness. It's all I can do to stop myself from shagging him over the table in the restaurant." She smiles, she looks blissful. I laugh.

"So tell me, Ava. Don't keep me in suspense." 

"He's only here in Chicago." 

"What, right now? For real?" She lets out a low whistle. "That must mean he flew almost straight after you told him to f off in the airport. WOW. WOW." Zoe is staring at me wide eyes. "That is like, Holy Fuck." 

"I know. I can't believe it. He told me he loves me."

"I hope you told him exactly how you felt too." She narrows her eyes expecting me to say I held back. I nod.

"Of course. I realized that I didn't want to be without him. I have no idea what happens next and to be honest, Zoe I am terrified. I'm still young, just out of a relationship with Mark and maybe I haven't met myself first."

"You have, Ava. You're ready for this. Trust me. Look at me and Nate. I'm ready to have him move in with me or move in with him and we've only been dating the last ten days. I know some people would say steady on that's a bit quick. But Ava, when you've met the one, you've met The One." And I have to agree with her. These feelings I have for Sebastian and how he makes me feel and feel about myself, they are rare. I consider myself lucky that someone feels exactly the same way about me, a someone that has just flown ten hours straight to get to me. I am still bewildered. It's like something out of Pretty Woman and now it's playing right before my eyes. 

Ava Garcia. I mull the name over in my head. It sounds good. It sounds soooo good. "You're right, Zoe. It is still really scary though."

"Of course it is, your whole life is about to change. It's not like you're going to live in a small town with a white picket fence and visiting Doodle's arts and crafts store with babies, nor popping in to see your parents when you feel like it or going to hang in the library or going out to bars and clubs with me. We're growing up girl, we're women now and we are entering the next chapter of our lives. He's a multi billionaire who can afford anything, he has responsibilities and commitments and he wants you. I can't even imagine it." She blows out another low whistle. "Damn girl your life is going to be so beautiful." 

"Whoa hold on, he has something to tell me, he said." Zoe raises her eyebrows and narrows her eyes. Don't ask how she can do both simultaneously but she can. "Sebastian said it would have an impact on whether I want to be with him forever or not."

"And he didn't tell you tonight? Jeez."

"No, he was quite adamant that he wants us to meet up tomorrow. His driver will pick me up at nine and he will take me somewhere to explain everything. He said it is a life changer for him as well as for me. For the life of me, I can't think what it will be. Only I know that unless he is an axe murderer or a bigamist, there won't be any changing my mind."

Zoe gives me a squeeze. "Good. I'm glad to hear it because I kind of like the idea of being your Maid of honor." We both laugh. Am I jumping the gun a bit here? No, I don't think so. Sebastian has after all inferred he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. I feel dreamy and for the first time since this morning, happy. I hope whatever he has to tell me, isn't going to change that. 

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