Chapter 11

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I step through the glass paneled patio doors that lead out to the terrace. I see a few people already in the pool, they look to be the slightly older generation getting their early morning laps in. That is dedication for you, it impresses me. 

The tables this morning are all adorned with white tablecloths, each with a pitcher of iced water on them, silverware and adorable blue coffee cups and saucers with a gold rim. It all looks really eloquent. I can't wait to feel the caffeine seep into my veins and wake me up a bit. I scooch my camera up my shoulder since it has begun to fall down and snap some pictures of the terrace.  The sun is already warm at just half past eight and I have to adjust to avoid sun glare. 

Happy with the shots I make my way to a table underneath an umbrella tucked nicely in the corner. I have all day for the sun on my face and whilst I eat breakfast I prefer the shade. A waiter arrives, tanned, slender and very good looking. He smiles and asks if I am ready to order as he pours luscious dark coffee into my cup. I let him know I'm not ready yet. "We have the buffet for you to choose from if you prefer." He says and points to my left where I can see tables set up with serving dishes and a few people already mingling around. I think I will check it out. I fancy scrambled eggs and some delicacies. 

The choice is amazing there must be more than twenty dishes. There are scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, a meat dish in a sauce, some smoked salmon, crepes, fresh fruits, yoghurts, breads, small cakes and pastries. You name it, it's here. I select smoked salmon and scrambled eggs and take a strawberry yoghurt. I'm not a big breakfast eater and to be honest when I am back home I rarely opt for breakfast. The most I will have is a yoghurt and a banana unless I am out for a run, then I might take in some extra fuel. 

An older lady stands next to me. I smile at her in her yellow sun dress and large floppy hat. Her face crinkles as she smiles back and I notice her violet eyes. I've never seen eyes this shade before. I remind myself not to stare at her, it is just plain rude. "Hello my dear. How long are you staying?" She asks politely. Her voice has a tinge of a Scottish accent and that in itself makes me smile. I love a Scottish accent. 

"I have a week booked here then I fly to Malaga for five days. I haven't planned the rest of my route from there as yet. I want to visit Andorra but that is in the opposite direction."

"Ooh how lovely my dear. Are you travelling alone?" I nod. She continues. "Well that is so exciting. We couldn't travel on our own back in my day. Today it's such a different world. I've never been to Malaga. I come here every year with my husband, Arnold. He's in the pool right now working on his front stroke." I smile. She sounds adorable.

"I'm Ava." I introduce myself as I reach for a satsuma. 

"Mabel, my lovely. I hope you have a wonderful stay. We come here every year and have been doing for the last ten years. It is simply the best hotel we have ever stayed in. And the man who owns it, Sebastian is such a gentleman." She beams, her eyes twinkle. "He is also very handsome." She chuckles. "If only I were about forty years younger." I smile again. She is so adorable I just want to put my arms round her and hug her. A man comes to stand by her, he is tall and slender and at a guess about the same age as Mabel. I'd put them around sixty-five. He reminds me of Sean Connery and he sounds like him when he says, "are you telling her about your toy boy." He laughs. He makes me laugh too. 

"Oh nonsense, Albert. Sebastian isn't my toy-boy, although I wouldn't kick him out of bed." I notice a slight blush creep up her neck and finish on her cheeks. I am now wondering who this Sebastian is. I feel I ought to find out. Then I admonish myself. I don't need the hassle of meeting someone when I am only here for a week. Besides I am still smarting from the whole Mark-Charlotte news and as hard as I am trying, I really do miss what I had. I want to be angry with Mark. So angry. Yet I am still hurting. It hurts so much when I do think about him that I feel my stomach clench in knots. It physically hurts. 

I know from the feeling that I am not ready for any type of new relationship and certainly not a one night stand to get him out of my system. According to Zoe this is exactly what I need. If she had her way, she'd be rounding the men up for me. I know she has my best interests at heart and wants to help me get over Mark. Only it's going to take a while. You don't just get over a five year relationship especially not when your fiancé ditches you, tells you the marriage is off and to boot, that you're not corporate wife material. Okay so he didn't exactly say it like that. But his words insinuated it. "I don't think we're going to go the full stretch." He had said. I had looked at him confused. 

We were sitting down watching our favorite movie, Top Gun when he just came out with it. At first I wasn't sure what he meant." I waited for him to continue but instead he continued to stare at the television. I knew he wasn't really watching the film. 

"Mark what are you talking about?" I asked my voice wavering slightly. My heart had started to beat faster. 

"I'm saying, Ava that I don't think we're going to get to home base." I felt tears spring to my eyes at the sting of his words. I wasn't even sure where this had come from. Jesus, we'd been ruffling up our sheets only a few hours ago and his head had been buried deep between my legs. My groans of desire had fueled him on. 

Mark turned to me and took my hands in his. "Ava, we're good together. We're great. I know we are." 

"But." I say, tears now running down my cheeks. My heart is pranging and I felt like I was having heart palpitations. I stared at his face, his gorgeous face with his sandy coloured hair, blue eyes and a lop sided grin I loved. Only at that moment there was no lopsided grin. His eyes were welling up too. I just couldn't understand that if this was upsetting and hurting him too, then why was he doing it?

"So what are you saying? Why are you saying this?" I refrain from telling him how much I love him and begging with him. I have some self-respect. He squeezes my hand and his eyes then opens them again. 

"You travel. Extensively."

"I've cut that down. Well at least I don't travel internationally anymore." 

"The point is that you always seem to be away. I want someone to be with me and by my side. I don't want to go to family events, dinners and galas with the business on my own all the time. A few times yeah sure, but Ava. You are away for most of each month. I respect it's your dream but it isn't a proper job."

I was aghast. Did he really say that to me? I feel a bubble of anger rising up from my stomach, however I bite my tongue. Mark has never seen my dream as being my job. I just want to point out here that I have nearly a million followers on my YouTube channel and am a respected travel vlogger. I run it as a business and actually I make really good money. He knows this. So why he is bitching about it again is beyond me. Of course it didn't cross my mind that he had Charlotte in the wings. 

Mabel is saying something to me and brings me back to the present. I blink away my tears. "Are you alright dear?" She asks. Her voice is soothing and gentle. 

"Er yes. Sorry I was miles away for a moment." She nods.

"Man trouble I am guessing. Well look my dear. You're here and he isn't. The best thing you can do is have a wonderful time. Meet someone, let your hair down and enjoy. Live for the moment dear. We don't have many of them and if you don't allow them to happen, you won't be living to the full." She squeezes my arm. 

"You'll have to introduce her to Sebastian darling." Albert says with a knowing smile on his face. I grin and inwardly groan. I don't want to meet this Sebastian nor any man. Not until my heart has mended. The ending with Mark was brutal. It came as such a shock and tore my heart inside out. It's going to take time. 

"Now that is an idea." Mabel muses. I excuse myself politely and make my way back to the shaded table under the umbrella. They are an adorable couple and I watch as Albert places a delicate kiss on his wife's cheek. It pulls at my heart. That could have been Mark and I in thirty years time. The lump in my throat is hurting so bad I could easily cut it out with a blunt knife. Instead I sip at my coffee and nod at the hovering waiter to let him know I'd like more coffee.

And then there he is. Standing at the door to the reception. He has his mobile in one hand and to his ear. The concentration on his face as he speaks draws my eyes to his. He sees me and then I see his lips curve. Oh for God's sake. There is no getting away from this man. 

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