Chapter 18

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I flop myself down on my bed enjoying the air conditioned room and stare up at the ceiling. I've taken so many photos today but the heat is too much. I came in about half an hour ago. I have a few hours left until our dinner at seven thirty. According to my mobile it's only half past three. What I need is a nice cold shower but honestly the sun completely zapped me. I know I shouldn't have been out in the afternoon sun for so long but I couldn't help it.

Soaking up the people and atmosphere in the hub of Santa Fe was exhilarating. Soon I will look at my photos and choose some to upload. If I don't laze around too much I may even be able to piece a decent vlog together before I go out.

The pit of my stomach feels weird. I cannot tell if it is excitement or nerves at the prospect of having dinner with him tonight. That reminds me I still need to decide on something to wear I am not going to give him the wrong impression, also I need to make it perfectly clear this is a one off thing. 

My phone beeps. I see it's a message from Zoe. Hey how are you doing have you slept with him yet? Followed by a whole random string of emojis. That is Zoe for you, there is no rhyme nor reason with her emojis. It ranges from smiley faces, umbrellas and hearts to a windmill. She is so random but I totally love her. 

No and I don't intend to? How was your date with Nathaniel? Want to vid call? I am eager to know how her date with him went last night. Zoe has liked the loveable doctor for some time and I am over the moon he has finally asked her out. Also I kind of want to deflect her from probing me about him. It has already been challenging enough today to erase him from my mind since breakfast time. 

Sure, give me a second and I'll jump on a call with you. I am looking forward to seeing Zoe's face and super excited about her dinner update. My phone rings and show me her profile picture. 

"Hey how are you girlie?" She asks her smile breaks out.

"It's going okay. I'm good. Had a nice day out taking photos, visiting the old town mingling with the people and drinking far too much coffee than is good for me." I laugh. "So tell me, how did it go with Nat last night? Please don't tell me you fell into bed with him." I watch as her smile broadens. There is a glint in her eye. "Oh my God, Zoe. I knew it. What happened to going slow with him? Honestly I don't even know why you bother wearing panties if you're never going to keep them on for long enough." I tease her. She laughs now, the skin around her green eyes crinkles.

"Well what can I say? It just happened. And Oh.My.God. he is amaaaaazing." She chuckles and has the decency to blush. 

"Well no doubt the date went well then. Tell me, did you actually bother to have dinner?" I want to berate her but it's just the way Zoe is. She never waits she can't help herself I'm sure she is some kind of nymphomaniac. 

"Of course we ate girl. Honestly I need my energy." She laughs again. Seriously you can tell she's had a good seeing to. "We had a fantastic time. Nat is so funny honestly I thought he might be a bit stiff but he was so easy to be with. He made me feel like a million bucks. I was already wetting myself before dessert. You know how good looking he is, especially those cute dimples of his. I had to stop myself from touching them during dinner." She sighs. 

"So when are you seeing him again?"

"We're having a movie night tonight at mine."

"Oh wow. Definitely not taking it slowly then Zoe." I try to be serious but you just can't be around Zoe. Her humor and zest for life leave me breathless. 

"Listen girl you just know when it's right and Nat made me feel like no other man has before. I'm not about to let him go. No way." She shakes her head emphatically and yawns. I'm not surprised she appears a little tired if she has been up all night having her brains shagged out. I almost feel jealous, my best friend is getting it and I'm not. My own fault entirely. Since Mark dumped me I haven't exactly been a social butterfly. Instead I have pretty much locked myself away with my books and corny make you weep movies. Maybe it is time to get back out again and have that fling Zoe keeps telling me to have. 

"I have some news." I tell her. My right hand is behind my head as I rest on the super fluffy pillows and feeling a lot cooler now under the a.c. than when I first came in. 


"Well, he only asked me to have dinner with him tonight." Zoe starts to squeal she sounds like a piglet. It's adorable. I could reach inside my mobile and hug her. I wish I could. Her excitement is contagious as I squeal back.

"Wow that is fantastic. Oooo, it didn't take him long did it? Where are you going? What are you going to wear? I hope you've got that slinky short gold number with you and those to-die-for heels." She pauses. "Tell me you are going and that you are going to make an effort. When I speak to you tomorrow I want to hear that he rode you like a true stud." I almost choke. Sometimes Zoe can be more direct than is called for. Besides she knows I am not like that. It took me a while before I was ready to be with Mark in the bedroom. 

"Zoe behave. You know I'm not going to shag his brains out on the first date."

"But you will go out with him tonight right?" 

"Well I don't have much of a choice he kind of took my breath away over breakfast. I mean this man is seriously something else. He is so hot that if I touch him, he'll scorch my fingertips." She convulses with laughter. 

"Oh fantastic at least your pussy isn't shriveled up nor your mind. It's good to know that after Mark you can still fantasize about a man. Good for you. I was beginning to wonder if you were turning into a nun."

"Pleeease, honestly Zoe. I know I locked myself away but after five years then being ditched like that in the midst of wedding plans what do you expect? All I can say is I'm not making a huge come and get me effort. There's no point in any case. I'm leaving in a week for Malaga so what's the point."

"The point is girl you need to get laid. Seriously laid and from the sound of it this man is the one you need to get laid by. Don't be so hung up on everything. You need to live a little. Once you let him through your chastity belt you can start having fun. So what if you're leaving in a week. Just go with the flow and then move on. If it was me, I'd be shagging my butt off round Spain not moping around over some jackass who has already shacked up with someone else. Live girl. Live." She sighs.  I just nod. I'm not going to get into it with her and nor am I wearing my slinky gold number. Besides I left it back home in Chicago. Packing for lustful nights was not really high on my agenda or going out with random men. The whole purpose of this trip was to get over being ditched and finding myself a bit more. 

I mean I may not want to settle down for a while now. I am only twenty-three. On reflection I think my life could have been on some kind of auto-pilot. The thought of being trapped down now fills me with dread, or perhaps it is the thought of trusting anyone with my heart again. 

We chat some more about her salon, how excited she is to see Nat again tonight and then we say our goodbyes. We've been talking for an hour already and I really ought to go and have that shower. The mere thought of getting ready to have dinner with him is making me feel queasy. On the one hand I am a little bit excited to have a nice candlelit dinner and see the flamenco dancers and on the other, the whole being close to another man even with a table between us causes me to have minor palpitations.

The problem is, he is so damn irresistible and I've already had wet panties over him. I can't allow myself to be turned on by him tonight. 

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