Chapter 15

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My mouth starts moving and my ears hear the words, "fine. I'll go to dinner with you." I momentarily lift my hand off my chest but refrain from slapping myself and zipping my mouth firmly shut. Clearly my mouth has an entirely different thought process to my mind. For a start, there is no point getting into anything with someone whilst I am here, besides anything else in a week I will be heading south to Malaga. From there I plan to take a flight to the UK to visit London again and drop in on one of my friends who I've not seen for a while.

Sasha and I have known each other since we were in college. She moved to London when she was twenty-one to work in the fashion industry. Making and creating clothes has always been a passion for her, it was supposed to be temporary, however, Sasha met Harvey and now they're planning the best wedding ever. They have invited everyone to a chateau in France and I cannot wait until the end of October, which is when they will be declaring their undying love for one another.

The man is still standing in front of me. I can tell he is happy that I have relented and agreed to dine with him this evening. All I can say, is that it had better be everything he said it would be. I plan to take my camera and take pictures for my vlog. 

"Thank you. I am happy you will be joining me this evening. I will arrange to pick you up at seven thirty. Is this okay with you or too early? I do not know of your plans for today. Maybe you are visiting somewhere different." I get the impression he is stumbling over his words a bit. It is obvious he didn't expect me to say yes. I know. I did give him the brush off and truly I am torn between going out tonight with him and staying in my hotel room pouring over photos I am yet to take. I could lose myself for hours with my pictures. It has been known for me to be locked away with my images for hours. I love nothing more than creating my reels and posts. I am so passionate about it that my mother and Zoe regularly poke fun at me. But it has paid off. I've gained such a following and it is a pleasure to talk with the people who are invested in my channel. 

I hate to admit this, but he does look soft and kind as his eyes are full of warmth when he speaks to me. I don't think I have ever had a man say thank you to me, just to go out on a date with them. Okay so it isn't really a date. I am not classifying it as that. More just having dinner with someone. And I will be making sure that I do not go to his room afterwards and he most definitely is not coming to mine. No matter how hot he looks. This man is drop dead gorgeous, I am wondering if he is a male model or even an actor with the sex appeal he is oozing. Curiosity is creeping in and I admit that I am intrigued as to his stay here. Clearly if he is asking me to dinner he doesn't have a partner or wife tucked away somewhere. I hope. If he does he'll be wearing his dinner later. I don't spot a ring on his wedding band finger, not that it's a true sign. I mean how many men do we all know of who remove it when they're chatting up a woman.

He is looking at me expectantly. I almost forgot to answer his question on the time for picking me up. "Of course. Seven thirty is fine. I plan to go and visit around this area some of the older buildings and the monastery and take pictures so I'll be local today. Tomorrow I will want to  venture further." I realize I am rambling and smack my lips together. 

He nods. "Perfect. If you need a tour guide I am happy to show you around. I know this area very well." He says as I watch the perfect formation of his mouth and wonder what kissing him would feel like. I can only imagine like heaven. 

"No dinner is fine. I want to look around on my own." Of course he would know the area well. I expect this isn't his first time here in that case. I wonder how many other young foreign women he has picked up at this very same spot and offered to take them to dinner in the mountains. I try not to think about it, I already feel jealous and I have no right to. It's not as if I am his girlfriend or anything but I can't help it. I do feel jealous of all the women he has kissed in the past, whose eyes he would have looked into across a candlelit table and basked with under the Spanish sun. 

"I wish you a good day then American Girl and hope you have fun. It will become very hot so don't forget to cover up later. You don't want to burn your skin." I bite back my response and refrain from telling him not to act like my father. I am a grown up the last time I checked. I guess I am a bit touchy. I haven't forgotten that he is the one who was grumpy yesterday in the foyer of the hotel nor that he presented himself not once but twice in my personal space. Yet today he seems different. He has an air about him, maybe he is a football player. He could be, he looks extremely fit. I guess I will just have to wait until tonight to ask him. Right now I want him to leave me to the rest of my breakfast. I am eager to visit the places on today's list. 

"Anything else?" My tone could do with some work instead of the pointed way I speak to him. He doesn't appear offended. 

"No American Girl. I am looking forward to this evening." He flashes that insane smile of his again and backs away bumping into Mabel and her husband Albert. 

"Oh my dear it is so lovely to see you again." Mabel is clearly over joyed to see him. I raise my eyebrows and wonder how often he has stayed here. Only she has her gnarled hand on his left arm and looks as if they're long lost friends. With his free hand he is shaking Albert's hand. 

"It is lovely to see you both again. I hope you are enjoying your stay." He seems friendly and polite. I lean forward slightly to eavesdrop on their conversation and then wonder why am I that interested. I can't help myself maybe I will gleam some in-advance information.

"Oh dear we are having the best time. We had flowers, champagne and chocolate in our room. You mustn't have. You are spoiling us." Mable is laughing now and I can see the lines around her eyes crinkle. She appears so happy and I am wondering why would this man be giving them champagne, chocolates and flowers. Who Is He? Now I really can't wait to fire questions at him this evening over dinner. Dinner, right what am I going to wear? I will have to call Zoe later and see what she thinks. I definitely don't want to go over the top. I want to appear like I haven't made too much of an effort. The last thing I want is for him to get any ideas of how the evening will go. I am perfectly clear in my mind on dinner, flamenco dancers a bit of wine and then back to the hotel and my room. Alone. 

"It's our tenth year. Can you believe it?" Mable continues. Albert finally lets the man's hand go. Thank God for that. I thought he was going to shake his limb off. 

"It is always a pleasure to see you both. Always." He says and bends forward to place a kiss on each cheek of Mabel's. Oh now isn't that sweet, so gentle and so kind. I almost audibly say ahhh. He tells them he has an important call he must make and man hugs Albert before leaving them and heading back inside to the hotel. Mabel smiles broadly. 

"Such a nice young man. I wonder why he isn't married. I'd snap him up if I was thirty years younger." Albert hugs his wife to him and places a kiss on the top of her head. You can see the love in their eyes, after however many years they have been together, their love for one another is evident to see. 

I finish my breakfast, drink the last dregs of my coffee. Slink by camera over my shoulder and head back inside so that I can walk through the cool reception out the front and begin my trek for the day and photo taking. I am already feeling zingy at the thought of taking stunning photos. I can feel the serotonin buzz kick in. I love this feeling. It's the best. 

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