Chapter 24

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I hear a knocking, my eyes are still closed. At first I feel disorientated then recall I was on the call with Zoe until nearly midnight. My head feels fuzzy from the champagne and then I remember. I groan, how could I have done that? Bringing myself to climax at a dinner table, I feel mortified and so embarrassed. I never want to see that man again, I simply can't. There is another knocking sound. I have to open my eyes but they feel like lead weights. All I want to do is roll back over and go to sleep and forget last night ever happened. I daresay Zoe is right and that Sebastian loved every minute of me losing control under his spell. The fucker, I'm so off men right now. Every single last one of them. Don't even get me started on my ex, Mark.

There it is again the knock. I realise it is somebody at the room door. "Hold on." I shout out wondering who on earth can be knocking on my hotel room at this unholy hour of the morning. I reach for my mobile from the bedside table and check the time. Okay well it's not that early, it's 8:30 a.m. Still I am intrigued to know who would knock on my door. Nobody knows I am staying here except my parents and Zoe. Especially not Mark. In fact I haven't spoken to him since he told me I was no longer the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. 

I move slowly from the bed, wow my head hurts. I need paracetamol or something it's definitely a hangover. Slowly, since I couldn't move fast even if I tried, I slip my feet into the pale blue hotel slippers with their smart logo stitched into the tops and make my way to the door. I don't even use the peep hole, stupid I know but I really am not thinking straight. 

In front of me is a waiter. His dark hair hangs over his left eye and he smiles. All they seem to do here is smile, I'm convinced that the Spanish are the happiest people in the world. It must have something to do with all the sunshine they get year round practically. I make a mental note to Google it. Which reminds me, I have to Google Sebastian Garcia. I want to know everything there is to know about him. Even if I am leaving in a few days and even if I am going to make sure that I stay out of his way from now on. I don't want a repeat performance of last night. I still can't get over it. I'm not exactly a prude but who gets themselves off at dinner? He is too hot for me to handle so my best course of action is to stay the hell away from him. 

"Good morning Señorita." He sounds too cheery for me this morning. I grunt then remind myself to be polite. It isn't his fault that I'm a slut or so I've just discovered about myself. "I have breakfast for you compliments of Señor Garcia." He begins to wheel a table dressed with a long white tablecloth into my room. My mouth is open and my jaw is on the floor. Atop it are silver domes obviously over platters of food. 

"We have warm pancakes, fresh fruits, bagels, croissants and a selection of pastries for you." He begins to lift the silver domes from each plate. My eyes pop out of my head at the array of food he has brought up. There is a feast here fit for a king. In the middle is a bottle of champagne on ice and a jug of freshly squeezed orange juice. "Shall I leave it here for you Señorita?" I nod since I am pretty much incapable of uttering words. Has Sebastian really just sent me up a truck load of fancy foods for breakfast? Wow. That is amazing and considerate. I hope he isn't getting any funny ideas that I'm going to relent on the idea of having a picnic together. No way. No way at all. I stand firm on that. 

"Er, gracias." I say. The waiter nods, smiles again and backs away until he reaches the open door and closes it softly behind him.  I stand still and just stare at all the food, it looks delicious and I have to admit I am very hungry. I'm always hungry after a night of drinking although to be honest I don't recall drinking that much champagne. I know we finished the bottle but that was between the both of us. 

Slowly I make my way to the table and pull up one of the balloon backed chairs and stack a plate up with strawberries, pancakes, mango and pour maple syrup over everything. The mini breads and cakes smell divine. I'm going to feel as full as a house after I'm done with breakfast. Not sure I'll have any champagne but I do pour myself orange juice and drink two black coffees one after the other. 

I have a full itinerary planned today. I'm supposed to be organizing a hire car then driving into Grenada to spend the whole day taking photos and being a proper tourist. The phone in my room sounds, it gives me a shock. Does anyone still use those things? I head over to the office desk that sits to the right of the balcony doors and feel the breeze floating in since I left them open last night. Luckily I didn't get bitten by any mosquitoes or other bugs. "Hello." I say.

"Good morning miss, this is Mr Garcia's assistant." The female voice comes through. "Mr Garcia would like me to inform you that his driver is available for you all day today. He will take you wherever you want to go and will wait downstairs for you until you are ready." Wait what did she just say? Driver, car? Now my head is almost spinning off its shoulders.

"Right, er thank you. Thank you." I'm in shock. Why is that man going to all this trouble? I'm a nobody in his world right? Okay I can't hold back any longer. I stuff another pancake into my mouth and reach for my mobile and search for Sebastian Garcia, Santa Fe. 

Holy crap! I want to pick my jaw up off the floor at what I am reading. 

Sebastian Garcia, thirty years of age is the most sought after billionaire bachelor in Europe and America. Having made his fortune in the luxury hotel and development business under the umbrella of his father. Sebastian ventured out on his own five years ago yet remains very much part of the Garcia family business. He has no siblings and still counts Santa Fe as his home despite the fact that he has properties around the globe. Mr Garcia is reported as saying, "Santa Fe will always be my home. It is special and there is no place in the world that can compare. She is like a beautiful woman, rich in love for her people. It is the people of my hometown that make it special. They have always treated me like their son even though I am from the Garcia family."  

I'm stunned. A billionaire shit. That then makes me wonder even more. Why me? I continue to read engrossed in this man's bio and life. 

As yet, Sñr Garcia has not settled down and provided his parents with any niños even though they are keen for him to start a family to continue the Garcia name. Whilst Sñr Garcia has been seen out and about at various functions with a woman on his arm he has not made anyone a happy lady yet. He remains elusive to the flock of women out there who seek to be his wife. According to Sñr Garcia in a recent exclusive interview he said. "When I meet the one I will know she is to be the mother of my children, the only person I will want to be with for the rest of my life. We will breathe as one person, respect and love each other and need one another like the sea and the sun. I want to be captivated by her beauty, intellect and respect for life." 

Okay I have read enough, I am still swooning at his choice of words to describe the woman who will be worthy of his love and life. I don't continue to read how he is the owner of more than 500 luxury hotels in this country alone nor that he has hotels all around the world except Japan where he is in discussions to acquire land near Kabira bay for the most luxurious hotel in Japan. 

Ava stop it right now. Get a grip with yourself. So what if he is a billionaire, you are off men. Period. Now get your shit together grab the camera and get on with your day. I do listen to my inner self and dash in the large black marble shower and allow the water to wash over my skin. It feels good and after my hearty breakfast I am pleased to say that I feel a whole lot better. Except for the embarrassing scene last night. I wish I could just erase that. 

There is no way I am going to allow myself to get involved with Sebastian Garcia, now more than ever. I am definitely not being his trinket for dinner, sex or anything else for that matter. I know men have needs well he can just go and satisfy himself with one of the models I saw a picture of him with. Yes I am jealous I won't lie about it as I shampoo my hair not noticing how wonderful the coconut smells. Because I am so intent on being jealous of all the women he has touched, kissed and had fun with. 

I want to slap myself for being so irrational. There is no plausible excuse for feeling this way. Part of me wants to cave in and see him, trust me if you met him you would feel exactly the same. The other part of me wants to run as far away from him as possible. That is what I must do. I have to leave here immediately and check myself into another hotel, preferably not one that Sñr Garcia owns. 

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