Chapter 54

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I am greeted by the hotel manager as I walk through the door. They have expected me for the reservation I have made for the entire terrace for our breakfast to be served with champagne. "Good morning, Sebastian. It is so good to see you." We shake hands. We've known each other now for many years and he was once my hotel manager for a hotel in San Francisco. His wife's mother became very poorly and she wanted to relocate to Chicago to be her main carer. Hence he moved and at the time I couldn't offer Rick a position in either of my Chicago hotels. He is missed. A good bloke who has put his family before everything. That goes a long way in my book. 

"Good to see you, Rick. How are things going? I see there have been some changes since I last came here." I notice they've had a facelift, the walls are now painted a shade of cream instead of the pale blue they once were. It looks elegant and the optimum of luxury. 

"We are well thanks you for asking. My wife's mother passed away last year and we still miss her. Judith has taken up work in a charity shop and she loves it." 

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Rick. It's good Judith has something other than the house to take her mind off losing her mother." I pause then turn to Ava. I am squeezing her hand and running my thumb on the inside of her palm. She squeezes back. "Allow me to introduce you to my guest, Ava Gardner." I know she is hoping he doesn't say the famous line, as in the movie star. Thankfully he doesn't. 

"Lovely to meet you, Ava. We are pleased for you to visit us here today at The Waldorf Astoria. Is this your first visit?" I can sense Ava is a bit overwhelmed. 

"Yes it is. Pleased to meet you too, Rick. It is gorgeous inside. I'm a photographer and have many shots from the outside."

"Well then you'll have to be sure to come inside one day and take as many pictures as you like. We would be honored." Ava smiles and thanks him. 

"Let me take you up to the terrace." Rick offers. I decline, simply because I need to press my lips against Ava's and feel her tongue probing my mouth. And with Rick in the lift, well it won't be such a smart move now then would it? 

"Of course as you wish. The terrace is ready for you both." He smiles and allows us to pass him to the private elevator he has made available just for us. 

"Wow this place is amazing, Sebastian. Thank you for bringing me here." Ava is delighted I can see it in her eyes that are lit up. It warms my heart and I am still nervous and anxious at having to divulge my secret to her and what will happen next. Will her love for me be strong enough to overcome what I have to tell her? Will she choose the path of true love or will she decide the life I am about to embark on is not for her after all? My stomach is tumultuous spinning like a washing machine on full spin and butterflies. Her touch is warm as her hand is in mine, her smile is magnetic and I am so drawn to this amazing and beautiful woman that my heart zings.  

The lift is as you would expect classy and elegant, the interior is all walnut and shines brilliantly, the fixtures are gold and the hotel logo is emblazoned on the doors. This is what we strive for with our hotels, brilliance, decadence and the optimum of luxury. 

We step inside and wait for the door to swish closed and then she is in my arms. My left hand cradles her head towards me and my mouth seeks hers as our lips lock. I enjoy the taste of her peach lip gloss and her minty breath. My tongue explores and I hear her moan. I can feel myself stiffen and I push my groin into hers. Another moan escapes her throat it makes me push harder. I want her so damn much that I am aching for my girl. The last nearly forty-eight hours has been hard and my body, mind and soul have craved every ounce of this woman who I am hoping after this morning will be mine for eternity. 

I pull away as difficult as it is. Literally I am forcing myself to be restrained and not push up her dress and fumble with her panties and slide a finger inside her. I already know she will be wet and ready for me to ease my cock inside of her. "We must stop mi carina." I tell her, our heads now pressed together, our breathing rapid. My heart is racing and the blood is pulsing through every part of my being. "We can't do it here."

"Oh my God, but I so want you, Sebastian." She licks my lips then bites on my bottom lip. 

"No, not yet." I tell her. "We have to wait and if you still want me after I explain everything to you, then we have the rest of our lives." 

"Tease." She says and laughs. "You're such a hot mess that I don't care what you tell me. I want you so badly I could scream." This brings forth a chuckle from my throat. 

"I know and I want you too but we are here, the door is opening any second. What I have to tell you cannot wait." And right there and then I hear the door swish open. We are on the terrace and the sight of the buildings across the city are phenomenal. I take her hand and lead her to the centre of the terrace where a table has been dressed in a white Damask cloth with rose petals strewn all over it. A path of petals lead us to the table and surround it in the shape of a heart. 

"Oh gosh. This is so beautiful. I wish I had my camera with me." Ava claps her hands with delight. She fills my heart. 

"Let's have breakfast mi carina and talk." 

"Okay." She now looks a little nervous there is a shift, her hand is slightly more tense within mine and I can see some of the brilliance fade out of her eyes. It is time to tell her everything. 

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