Chapter 70

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"Honey, of course it's worth fighting for. Honestly, what is wrong with you? Just because his daughter doesn't like the idea it certainly doesn't mean she won't change her mind. You've got to see it from her point of view, Ava."

I'm outside on the wrap around balcony to the penthouse back in the Waldorf Astoria gazing up at the sky as Zoe talks to me. Of course everything she's saying is absolutely right. It still doesn't make it any better for me though.

"My heart absolutely goes out to her, Zoe. It really does. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to lose your mother. I'd fall apart if my mom died or my father, it's gut wrenching. And I know the last thing she wants is someone new into their lives."

"Look take a deep breath, I know you're gutted that you can't move in with him, but damn girl. You'll be living on his doorstep literally. A villa on the land sounds amazing. Sebastian will see you every day, you'll spend nights together and get to know his little girl and I bet in a few months' time you'll be living in the main house." Zoe makes it all sound so convincing. But we've all heard stories, watched movies, read books where sometimes there just isn't that happy ever after. That and kids have a mind of their own. One day you can be flavor of the month and the next you are out of the door. Look at how kids treat their own parents.

"And don't be filling your head with crap." Zoe interrupts my thoughts. Honestly my bestie knows me better than myself, I swear she does. "I know what your mind is like. If it's Sebastian's little girl, you have nothing to worry about. She's just going through a really shitty time and it's understandable all she wants is her daddy. You also have to remember, Ava she didn't even know he was her real father. Some other guy was her father for the first five years of her life." I sigh.

"I know. How disgusting is that? Her own mother, lying to her. Lying to Sebastian. How can anyone do something like that? It sickens me. I just want to hold that small girl and tell her she's loved and cared for. To reassure her that nothing in her world is going to take a nosedive ever again." I reach forward for my glass of water from the mosaic table in front of me and take a sip.

"Change of subject. How's it going with Nate the hunk?" That brings a smile to my lips for the first time since Sebastian called me. Honestly, I walked around like a wet rag when I got to the Empire State building. Although I have got some pretty good pictures.

"Well that man is all muscle. He makes me melt and my heart is doing crazy shit." Zoe laughs. "I can't take my eyes off him. Ava, it's pretty damn scary." I know exactly what she means.

"Yep. I get that. Look how fast things went with Sebastian and I. To think I couldn't stand him on first sight and the way he got in my face at the pool on my first day. And now look at us. I'm upping sticks and moving across a continent to be with him." I place my glass of water down and for the first time since our phone call, look at the beauty of the blue skies without a cloud in sight. It's a gorgeous warm and sunny day.

"Oh my God. I forgot." Zoe says. "With all this doom and gloom about not moving in with him and his daughter. How'd the agent business go? Tell me!" I make myself comfortable on the two seater patio sofa, with its white plump cushions and tuck my legs underneath me.

"Absolutely brilliant. I've got a three book publishing deal. Can you believe it?"

"I knew you'd get it. Three books. WOW." She's almost screeching with excitement down the phone. I can just imagine her back in her salon sitting on her reclining office chair with her feet up on her desk. Her preferred way of sitting in her office. Zoe says it makes her feel like a Boss. It makes me laugh. But she has deserved it with all the hard work and going without over the years to make her salon a success. She is her own boss and so she should be proud of herself. I'm proud of my best friend.

"I know. I almost fell of my chair. They're so excited to have me on board, some fresh talent a new slant. You know all that kind of stuff. I've already taken masses of photos today for another project which I'll upload and do a mini vlog of when I get home. Which by the way I'm really looking forward to. I can't wait to see you and my folks. I feel like I've been away for ages."

"You have technically. I mean you only came back a few days in between Europe and New York, honey. I'm so excited to see you too sweetie. How about I organize a dinner for you, Nate and myself? It's about time you both got to meet each other properly over dinner and not a doctor's surgery." I can imagine her smiling that enigmatic smile of hers. It'd give Julia Roberts a run for her money any day of the week.

"That would be awesome. I'd love it, Zoe. So I fly in tomorrow around lunch time and am intending to go straight from the airport to my folks to catch up. Then I'll be over to the apartment around five ish."

"Sure tomorrow night will be okay with you. Won't you be tired?"

"Nah, it's only couple of hours or so flight. Besides, I'll need to eat and also I can't wait to see cool Zoe, who never gets gooey over some guy, giving Nate puppy eyes. It'll be worth it even if I was dog tired." I laugh.

"You're on then. I'll book somewhere chilled out so we can all just hang. Besides you living it up over there in a penthouse, I bet you could do with slumming it with us normal folks for a few hours right!?" She thinks she is so funny but it does make me chuckle.

"Wellllll, I could really get used to this, Zoe. It's a completely different world. I mean for real."

"Sure, I can imagine babe. Just never forget us on your way up baby."

"Never, Zoe. Best friends for every and for always." I say with warmth in my voice. I absolutely love my bestie.

"Forever and for always." She repeats. We say our goodbyes and I hug myself. Zoe always makes me feel better no matter what's going on in my life.

I notice a flashing on my screen and take a look at the message. WTF? Really? 

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