Chapter 53

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Am I nervous? Yes. Am I terrified? Yes. Am I excited to see my beautiful American Girl again? Absolutely. The last twenty-four hours have been a rollercoaster and now it is finally time to go down to meet my driver and finally collect Ava. I haven't slept much and with the time difference between here and Japan, I spent a good deal of time on my lap top and put a call in to my project manager Mr Hazouko over there. He has assured me that everything is running smoothly and we have no issues. I already know from my CFO that we are now operating back in budget.

I've reviewed the latest images and the gardens at our hotel there are impressive, when the cherry comes into blossom it will be a sight to see, in Japan this is my favorite time of the year. I am excited to fly to Japan and spend time with our hotel manager, Mr Anooka-san he is a mild natured man who is always willing to please. Already we have hired most of his family and pretty much the whole town to work in the hotel. We are always regionally staffed, it is one of our policies unless of course we need people in at the top that are not available within the region where we build. 

Checking myself one last time in the mirror, I run my left hand over my jaw. Having not shaved I have a shadow but I know how much Ava loves this, hence the reason I have left it. My stomach is zinging, my heart is racing faster than Hussein Bolt off the starter block. I need to calm myself down. Did I prepare what I was going to say? Not really which is a first for me, since I am all about meticulous planning and preparation. This is why our business thrives. Instead I am simply going to speak from my heart, I am going to be honest and open with Ava and explain it exactly as it is. Even for me it has been a shock. Seeing Marissa in Zaragoza took me by complete surprise and with the news she gave me, as happy as I was, I also realise that there will be the need for some monumental changes in my life. I've already asked Elena my assistant to start looking at ranches close to Santa Fe. I am reluctant to change my main residence from my own home town. It will feel as if I am turning my back on my extended family.

The lift takes me down to the lobby where already there are a few people hanging around the reception. It is of course the last day for some of them and the checking out process has begun. "We had a wonderful stay and will definitely come back next year." I hear a man say as he hands the key over. 

"Please be so kind as to sign the guest book, sir if you don't mind." The receptionist, who I notice is new and I've not met before says. She glances up and must recognize me, she blushes and smiles then looks down at her screen again to finish off the check out for the couple in front of her. I smile back but already she is busy with them. 

The sun is already out but it is nowhere near as fierce as it will be at this hour in Spain. There we already have nearly twenty-eight degrees Celsius from eight in the morning. This feels like a breath of fresh air. My driver, wearing a charcoal suit and cap is waiting for me with the door open. "Good morning, Sir. Where are we headed this morning?" 

"Good morning, Daniel." I get in and give him the address.  As he drives smoothly I don't take in the buildings around me nor the trees lining the streets. I'm lost in thought of how Ava will react and I am struggling to keep my nerves under control. I am sure she is feeling the same way. We stop, are we here already? I can see the area is very different to where my hotel is based downtown. This area is far greener, there is a park with a children's play area on my left and on my right is a complex of apartments. 

"We are here, Sir." 

"Thank you, Daniel. Can you wait? I am collecting someone." He nods and steps out of the car to open my door. With long strides I go to the entrance and look on the wall where a metal box sits that has the residents names on it. I see one for Limpton and Gardner. This must be it. I press and wait. 

"Hello." I hear Ava's voice. It is soft and beautiful, how I cannot wait to see her face. 

"It's Sebastian. Do you want me to come up or wait by the car?" 

"I'll be right down." I can't see how she is wringing her hands, then smooths down her dress nor how she checks herself one last time in the mirror that hangs on the wall next to her front door. 

Anxiously I wait and then I see her. Ava is a vision in a white summer halter neck dress with poppies on it. Her hair is in a high ponytail just as I like it. Her neck is elegant and graceful her smile is wide and her eyes are shining. "Sebastian." She breathes and launches herself into my arms and rests her head on my shoulder. I love how she is not too tall, but tall enough for her head to rest there. I kiss the top of her head.

"Mi carina, it is so good to see you." She smells of freshly washed hair, coconut and lemon. I also detect her fragrance, it is floral and if it serves me right, it will be her favorite, Daisy by Marc Jacobs. "Come let us go. I am taking you to The Waldorf Astoria for breakfast." She catches her breath, only the best for my girl. My driver opens the door for Ava and like a lady she steps inside whilst I go round and join her from the other side.

I reach for her hand that rests on the seat and give it a squeeze. "I am so nervous, Sebastian." She says. "I didn't think I would see you again after blanking you at the airport."

"It is okay you don't need to say. I thought the same thing but I wasn't going to allow my beautiful American Girl to get away." I lean towards her and kiss her. I am mindful the privacy screen is not up. Even though I want my tongue to explore her mouth, bite her lips and run my tongue around hers, I hold myself back. Besides I could do without rising in my pants this morning. 

"I have lived here nearly all my life and never once visited the The Waldorf. I've got plenty of pictures though from the outside." She is nervous, I can tell. Our eyes don't leave each others. 

"It will be a nice setting, Ava. I have something serious to discuss with you. But do not worry. It has nothing to do with how I feel about you. If anything, I love you more than I did yesterday and I feel as if I couldn't love you anymore and yet I do. I have been miserable these last twenty four hours without you by myside. I felt empty and lost without you laying in the crook of my arm or looking down at your beautiful face when you were sleeping."

"I've missed you too, Sebastian but I have to admit, I am worried for this news you have to share. I feel sick in my stomach." I feel exactly the same way. 

"We will be there soon and we can talk properly." I kiss her again briefly and enjoy the taste of her favorite peach lip gloss on my own lips. I don't tell Ava how nervous I am too. I've only just got her back and I couldn't take it if I lost her again. 

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