Chapter 26

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As soon as I leave the boardroom I take a right along the cool air conditioned hallway and head for reception. Greta our new German intern is on reception today. She smiles at the sight of me and raises her hand in a small wave. 

"Good morning Sñr Garcia." Her accented voice is pleasant. She has been with us just a few months but already showing promise. Her next few months will be followed with a term in the marketing team, sales team and then she will spend much time with Elena my assistant until she can decide what part of the hotel industry she wants to specialize in. 

I see her blush when I smile back at her. She blushes a lot. "Good morning, Greta. I hope everything is going well. Please call me Sebastian. You make me sound old like my father when you call me Sñr Garcia. We do not need to be so formal here." I have told her this before but perhaps this time it will make her feel somewhat more comfortable. It is true, we run an informal show here. It is better for my employees and for me. Even my father has no qualms with people using his first name. Our family business is built on trust and respect. Everyone is family and we treat them as such. 

"Very well Sñr, I mean Sebastian." 

"That's better."

"Is there something you need this morning?" She asks keeping one eye on the newly arrived couple who are currently rummaging through their rucksacks like they have lost something. 

"Not really. I wanted to come to the front desk to check all is well. By the way did you see our American guest leave yet?" She shakes her head. I nod and thank her before walking to the entrance of our grand establishment.

The sun greets me, clear blue skies and the gentle fragrance of Yasmine. My driver is still seated in my car waiting. I am guessing that Ava has either decided not to use him for the day or hasn't come down just yet. It would be a shame if she doesn't take advantage of my offer, he knows everywhere that is worth seeing in Grenada and would help her make the most of her day. He notices me standing at the entrance and raises his hand and shrugs his shoulders. 

I'm disappointed. Honestly I thought Ava would not have rebuffed me like this and I hope that she didn't reject her breakfast either. I mean a girl does have to eat after all. "Excuse me would you take a picture of us at the entrance please?" It is the young couple who have just arrived, their smiles are broad. 

"Of course, it would be a pleasure." They go and stand in front of the entrance and put their arms around each other and kiss. Their love is obvious and it makes me feel a bit jealous. Yes, me Sebastian Garcia is actually jealous of what they have. I want this for myself and I have only just come to realize it. At thirty years of age, I am now wondering if my business should be dominating my life. I've given over a decade to building it up, bringing it to where it is today and making it my entire life. It is my wife, lover and friend but it doesn't keep me warm in bed at night. I have no idea where all this is coming from, but I highly suspect from being and seeing the American Girl. Ava, Ava, Ava. What have you done to me? You are turning me in just a couple of days into a man who is lusting after you and playing hooky from his own business. I shake my head and step forward to give the giggling couple their mobile back and then I see her.

She's coming through the foyer, a vision to behold in a white off the shoulder summer dress. Her dark hair is high in a ponytail and she is wearing silver hoop earrings. Easily she could pass for a señorita. My breath catches in my throat. I don't even hear the words, "thank you," from the young couple. I am mesmerized by the vision of Ava as she walks towards me, obviously she has not noticed me since the couple are now blocking us, but I can just about see her still. My heart is in my mouth. What is this woman doing to me? It's criminal. It's unheard of. This is me the playboy billionaire supposed to be. 

"Oh God. Not you again." She states whilst she places her hands on her slender hips. She looks so sexy I feel a rush of blood to my cock. This is not the time nor the place I remind myself. "I thought I made myself clear last night I wasn't going to see you again." Her voice is imperious and her eyes are flashing with anger. "Are you stalking me?" 

"Did you enjoy breakfast?" I respond instead of answering her stalker question. She snorts, that only makes her even sexier as her eyes flash. 

"It was lovely thanks, the least you can do for getting me drunk on champagne." 

"Ava I don't recall pouring it down your neck." I laugh she doesn't find it very funny. I stop immediately but it is so damn difficult because she looks like a small child who can't get her own way. "No." I say.

"No what?" 

"I am not stalking you." She folds her arms in front of her chest. The young couple have thankfully made their way into the hotel and I can just about make them out at the desk with Greta. 

"Well it bloody well looks like it to me. First reception the other day, then the pool and really going out on a date with you was just ridiculous." 

"It wasn't a date. It was to show you a lovely time here in Santa Fe. It was hospitality." I see her lips pull together and am amused even though I shouldn't be. But I can't help it. If only she would let herself go and stop trying to cover up her feelings and relax.

"I suppose you show all the other women the same hospitality then. Well that makes me feel special. Not." 

"No I do not extend other women the same, Ava. You are special and I would like to get to know you better." My words are out before I can stop then. I recall Elena telling me I shouldn't go after Ava that I need to let it go. We're going to be separated in any case in six days time and really I have no mind to have just a five day fling with her. I can't resist her though, I don't want to resist her. I want to feel her, kiss her and wrap my arms around her. I want to show her that some men can be trusted, that we're not all like her ex. Her barriers are so high you would need a pole to vault them. 

For a few seconds she is quiet mulling over her response. "Well, I already told you I am not interested in dating or seeing anyone. I thought I had made myself perfectly clear at dinner last night." She pauses and waits for a response. I don't give her one. "Thanks for making your driver available to me though." Her head is hanging slightly lower. 

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Okay why am I being such a dick right now? I heard her perfectly well, only she didn't have to be quite so rude to me or insinuate I was some kind of pervert stalker. She huffs again. Clearly she has issues with saying thank you properly. I raise my eyebrows and stare at her. She lifts her head and tilts her chin up, puts her shoulders back and says. 

"I. Said. Thank. You. For. Letting. Me. Have. Your. Driver. Today. There satisfied?" She flicks her luscious hair over her shoulder then walks straight past me and into the car where my chauffeur has the door ready open and waiting for her. My mouth is open, quickly I close it. She is the rudest woman I have have ever encountered. I've a good mind to tell her to get out of my car this minute and get a taxi. But I don't. Because I can't. It was actually quite a turn-on the way she treated me. I've never been treated like that before. I'm not used to it. 

Instead I wave as the car pulls away. She flicks me the finger. 

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