1~happy families ❤

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It's was day when Arjun subhadra take birth on earth it was 10 PM Arjun was born in kapoor family he was cute he smiled.

Pritha and pramit smiled.suddenly pritha ask"docter why he didn't open his eyes".

Doctor said"i too don't know let me check".after he check and reviled that there is no problem may he himself didn't open his eyes we should wait till tomorrow.

Pranit and pritha nodded.

It was mid night 2 am rohini was in same hospital and shw have birth to a beautiful girl her smile can melt anyone.rohini smiled in tears.

Vasu kiss baby forehead ram also cares her head.suddnenly they notice her eyes were closed. Vasu ask doctor.docter check her Doctor said"i to don't know let me check".after he check and reviled that there is no problem may she herself didn't open his eyes we should wait till tomorrow.

Vasu was outside move here to there to make his beautiful daughter sleep  pranit was see him.he ask whether she is his daughter he nodded. He caress her head. Vasu and pranit share good news they both Congratulate each other but they also share bad news.

Pranit said"come pritha will happy to see your daughter. "

Vasu nodded. Rohini ram Krishna(1month old) goes towards pritha as she was tired .

Vasu show baby to pritha. Pritha smiles and said"but why she didn't open her eyes".

They tell what docter said.

Rohini made her sleep beside our Arjun.

Arjun in mind "now let's open our eyes I am infront of you my priya".

Subha in mind" Atlast you promise will be fulfill ".

They both open eyes and look at each other.

Krishna smiled as he know everything and was also sad they will forget each other after this but smiled that they will also get to know out the birth in kalyug after some years.

Ram said" Maa see they both has open there eyes".

Both the family smile. Arjun subhadra look at each other and smile.

After somedays Arjun was name as parth as subhadra was name as subha.

19 year leap.

In kapoor mansion.

The alarm clock pierced in his ears he got up and off the alarm and goes to get ready. After sometime he wear white colour T-shirt and  green color jacket. He was no other than parth.

He looked at mirror when he heard" parth come fast".

He smiled and said"coming maa".

He went down and said"good morning my sweet family ".

All said " Good morning parth".

Pritha said"come have your lunch ".

They start to have lunch happily.

Suddenly door bell rang, diya said" I will see".

Diya open the door and see yagna she smiled at her.

Yagna come inside and said"hey good morning all of you".

All said good morning except naksh.

After she came naksh said"maa i am going bye".

Pritha said"what about breakfast ".

Naksh said" I am not in mood maa".

Pritha said"have something in college ok".

Naksh nodded. And he left.

Pritha said"yagna come have lunch".

Yagna sit on dining table and start to have breakfast.

They all were silently eating breakfast.

Pranit said"yash I am going to temple with you maa so today I am not going to office you go.

Yash said"yes papa".

he left.

Bhim and dev said"bye maa papa we too leave".

Pritha pranit nodded and said"bye".

Parth said"we are too going maa papa bye".

Pritha nodded.

Parth and yagna left to college.

Pritha said"diya first we were having happily lunch but when yagna came one by one everyone goes and naksh he is the one who can't even tolerat one word which is related to her ".

Diya said" Don't worry everything will be fine ".

Pranit said" I wish soo".

Diya said"maa papa get ready and go to temple".

They both get ready and leave to temple.

They both leave for temple they see a girl wearing white color shirt and black jeans.

They heared what she was saying"Tomorrow is my first day in new college please dont allow anyone to make that day as bad day please krishna bhagwan".

She joined her hand and after that she left. Pranit and pritha smiled and goes to take aarthi after that they were about to leave .

Driver said"sir tier is puncher".

Pranit said"ok then change it".

Driver said"we don't have extra tier sir".

Pranit said"oh ".

They hear a voice " May I help you".

To be continued.

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