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After 1 month..

Today is janmashtami. Subha with her family was decorating pots and making makhan.

Subha ask"bhai did they came".

Krishna said"they are on the way ruchi".

Subha said"ok".with smiled. She noticed krishna look at makhan. She understand that he want makhan. She take one howl and goes near krishna .

Subha handle it to krishna and said"god will be upset if this krishna didnt eat makhan". she said with mischievous smile.

Krishna smiled and take the bite in his hand. First he made it eat to subha and then he ate it. While eating makhan there mouth get little dirty by makhan.

The door bell rang. Revathi goes and open the door and said"welcome pritha aunt and everyone ".they came inside.

Parth ask" Where is krishna".

They all hear ram voice"kanha you are really like krishna mischievous eat makhan without permission ".

Pritha and all went towards them and see krishna face was cover with makhan and ram was screaming at him.

Subha said" It's ok bhai he is krishna it is his right".

Hearing it all laugh. Subha hug pritha pranit and everyone.

Revathi came and said"subha you make our krishna ready".

Naksh ask"ready for what".

Diya(yash wife) said"naksh it's tradition  younger son of family to make krishna so today our krishna will become kanha".

Krishna thought in mind"not today I am everyday kanha ".

Everyone smile.

Rohini came and said"krishna when you will get ready and what about you subha".

Krishna and subha look at each other.

Vasu came and said" Go get ready".

They both nodded. They were going when krishna pulled parth and said"come let's go".

They three left. Subha make Krishna wear jewellers and placed a pecock feather on his forehead. Parth help krishna to make wear dhoti. After that Krishna was ready.

Subha and parth look at each other and said"Krishna is ready but were is radha".

Krishna blushed.

Subha said"oh my god what I am seeing parth ".

Parth ask*what subha".

Subha pointed towards Krishna cheecks and said" See it has turned pink  and he is blushing ".

Subha and parth start to laugh.

When Krishna said" Now stop laughing and get ready maa will not spare you ".

Subha nodded and she left to her chamber and to get ready.

Subha washed her face then she wear a light blue saree and wear flowers jewellers she make design on her forehead with white paste. She wear a beautiful pecock feather waist band and she wear some peacock feathers on her hair. She look herself at mirror and goes to Krishna room.

She entered in Krishna room but didnt find Krishna. But she look parth sitting there looking at his phone. Suddenly by the sound of subha anklet parth look at her. As soon as parth look at her . Parth get lost in her. He was looking at her like he is looking a fairy.

Subha noticed his action she goes near him and clapped her finger in front of his face and ask"what happened ".

Parth said" Nothing".still looking at her eyes.

Suddenly some memories flash in there mind. They see same pair of eye a princess and a sage looking at each other.

Subha pov:

I have seen this eyes before.but where and I feel were connected with the dream of a princess and sage look at each other.

Parth pov:

I have seen this eyes before but where and what about this dreams i feel I know her from many years. And who is that princess and the sage.

Krishna pov:

You know each other from many years you are subhadraarjun the most lovable couple of mahabharat era and your incomplete love story will be now complete.

Author pov:

Krishna said"come one let's go. "

Parth left with krishna.

After sometime  she get down. Everyone attention went on her she slowly get down and stand beside Krishna.

Subha raised her eyebrows and said"should we start ".

Rohini said" Yes subha".

Everyone said to subha"you look beautiful ".

Subha thank them. Rukmini satya came and hug subha .

Subha stand on right side of krishna and parth stand on left side of krishna and said" We think radha came".

Krishna blushed and said"stop".

Parth and subha laugh and everyone look confused. Suddenly door bell rang.

Subha open the door and see karna and vrushali came subha hug them and said"I knew you will come".

Karna pulled her cheecks and said"you are my only sister then I should definitely come dear".

Subha smiled.

Vrushali said"and also mine too".

Subha smiled. Then karna and vrushali were  come inside then again the ignorance of parth and karna start they ignore each other.

Again bell rang subha again opens the door and found kavya jaya and vala. Subha hug everyone and said"come".

Kavya and naksh shared a eye lock. Jaya and dev shared a eye lock and vala and bheem shared a eye lock. Subha krishna parth shared mischievous eye lock and make face cough make them come out of dream world.

Then Krishna sit on a seat and one by one ladys feed him makhan.

Satya said" Now subha you should dance".

Subha said"no I will not satya didi".in shock.

Satya said"no subha you should I know you dance very well".with excitement.

Everyone ask her to dance at last subha agree.

She dance on a beautiful song"shree krishna govinda hari mirali".

Everyone were lost in her dance.

After she stop and get down.

Pritha said"excellent dear".

Pranit said"very nice daughter ".

Yash and bheem said" You are best".After that everyone enjoy that day were happily.

To be continued.

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Happy Janmasthami to all of you💛

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