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(Note :yagna is just a imaginary character vala is valandhari and draupadi also she is one)

Saturday night.

Parth tell what he feel for subha is this love?

Diya said"yes it's love".

Parth smiled diya continued"parth confess soon or else you will loss her ".

Parth said" Yes I will confess soon I can't loss my love one ,bhabhi".

Diya nodded. And parth left from Hall.

In subha house

Subha look her self in mirror and ask"do you love him".

She smiled shyly and said to herself "yes I love you parth oh but do you love me".

She thought and goes to sleep.

Next day

Parth decided to tell yagna about there break up because he can't play with her feelings.

It's was Sunday parth meet her in cafe he was feeling bad. But he stay strong and thought you are doing for her good only".

Yagna came and sit on her sit and ask"why you called me immediately. "

Parth first stammerd and said"I am sorry to this yagna but i have to say that i cant be in relationship with you because I don't have any feeling for you i know I was the one who ask for date but other than i have nothing it's was just attraction I never love you and may be I will never you because I love someone else after thinking a lot I am saying we should break up , I am not being selfiess that's why I am not playing with you feeling by ignoring you and saying you it direct".

Yagna was shocked and said"how can you do this parth i love you from core of my heart ".

Parth said" Yes I know but I can't give you love there is not your fault it mine so please we should break up ".

Yagna ask" But before that tell me who she whom you love that why you reject me ".

Parth said" That i can't say because I am too confused"he lied because he didn't want to disclose it to her.

He continued "one again sorry and yes we have breakup but you will be mine friend".
Saying this he get up and leave.

Yagna hit her to table in frustratingly. She was getting angry she were well know that the girl parth love is subha. She think" You reject me parth for her now she will reject you because of me".

She too left from there.

Next day.

Subha get ready in white frock. She look beautiful.

Krishna came and said"you look beautiful ".

Subha smiled.

Krishna face was little sad and said" Subha may be today you have to face a lot of trouble but remember you should stay strong".

Subha look confuses.

Krishna smiled and said"don't worry go to college I will come after some time".

Subha nodded. She left happily because she can see parth.

She left.

In parth house:

Parth was finding clothes which he should wear so he look goods.his room was messed up Just then naksh came and said"what is this bhai why your room is mess up".

Parth said"help me nakul to find a good clothes because I want to do important work".with smile.

Naksh said"what".with confusion.

Parth smiled shyly and said"i am going to confess my love to subha".

Naksh said"oh really now you are behaving like a mature you choose really nice girl I am so happy for you".with smile.

Parth said"come now help me".

Naksh make arjun ready in white tshirt black cargo pants and black jacket and give him stylish watch and said"you look handsome ".

Parth smile at his words.

Naksh said" Now go and come back with good news".

He nodded and left.

Subha and parth both reach at college . Parth was finding subha. Subha was near sports area no one was present there. Suddenly yagna came and said"how dare you to destroy my life ".

Subha ask" What I did to you".

Yagna said"oh don't show that you are innocent you snatched my parth from me now asking what you did because of you we break up because of you I lost him , don't you feel any shame snatching him away from me remember subha yadav if you accept parth proposal then remember I will not leave parth alive if he can't be mine then he can't be anyones else. "

Subha was shocked she said"no yagna you can't do this you can't harm parth you love him so please dont do I will not accept his proposal but please dont harm parth ".she cry for parth fear of lossing him was there in her eyes.

Yagna said" If you stay away from him then I will not harm him".

Subha nodded with tears eyes yagna left from there. Unknown to them someone has heard there conversation.

To be continued♥

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I know it is sad chapter but again happy chapter are there so stay tuned❤

Sorry for late update❤

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Radhakrishna ❤

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