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Subha open her eyes and found herself in hospital she look around and see her family members.

Subha try to get up but unable.

Ram said"laid down subha you are not fine ".

Subha said" What Happened to me".

Rohini said"you get fainted on streets one person call us from your phone and tell us about this".

Subha though "how is it possible my phone is lock and the password is know by me and parth yes parth except me only he know my password".


Subha has gone to parth house to meet everyone but except parth no one was at home.

Subha knock the door. Parth open the door and see subha. He smile wide. Subha also smile back.

Parth said"come in subha".

Subha came inside and ask"why today house is so silent ".

Parth said" Because no one is at home except us".

Subha said"where every had gone".

Parth said"for attending wedding ".

Subha said" Then why don't you go with them ".

Parth said" I have two reason first I don't want to go at wedding and meet people and fake smile. Second is I was completing my assignment ".

Subha said" I may disturb you in you studying I am sorry".

Parth said"no not at all I didn't get distrub".

Subha smiled.

Parth said"you sit I will come".

Subha nodded and sit on sofa.

She takes out her phone she see lots of games app.

She start to delete one by one. She was irritated by her neighbor child who use to come at her home and use to download lots of game and she can't say anything .

Parth came with some snacks and juice. He keep in front of table and said"take it subha and why look irritated".

Subha said"my neighbor child use to come at my home everyone and he always download lots of game in my phone that why I a. Irritated ".

Parth said" Then why don't you keep a password ".

Subha said" Actually I keep password of my phone that was my birth date but he knows it and if i keep any other password I will myself forgot it that the problem "

Parth said"I have an idea".

Subha ask"what".

Parth said"keep the date as a password when we meet in college you will not forget the day you take admission in college and even if you by chance forget about you password then I a. Here to tell you".

Subha said"you are genius".

Subha keep password and said"you should remember it parth 2607.

Parth said"yes I will I am your bestie na".

Subha smiled.

Flashback end~

Subha smiled remember that day.

Rohini came with Doctor, doctor said"how are you feeling now miss subha ".

Subha said" Perfectly alright ".

Doctor smile .

Rohini ask" But doctor how she fainted".

Doctor said"mrs yadav ler us go out miss subha need rest".

Rohini nodded snd they both left outside .

Subha laid down in bed she see a sister and ask"nurse do you know who bring ne here ".

Nurse said" Actually he didn't tell his name ".

Subha said" If j show his photo can you identify him".

Nurse said"sure".

Subha take her phone show one of parth photo.

Nurse said"yes he is the person who bring you here his eyes were red because crying".

Subha though"even at that he still care about me i love you parth i love lot please god gave my parth courage to face upcoming twists ".

Meanwhile outside .

Rohini ask"what happened doctor".

Doctor said"mrs yadav does miss subha have anystress Or she get heartbreak ".

Rohini said" No but why doctor ".

Doctor said" Because the reason miss subha fainted is stress and crying a lot may be where miss subha fainted something had happened there "..

Rohini said" It's so then let ask subha dr".

Doctor said"no mrs yadav now she stress and if we ask this now she will again get stress you try to ask her later ".

Rohini nodded and Dr left.

At night they take subha back to there home. They take care of subha.

Meanwhile at parth home.

Parth returned back at home naksh noticed his eyes it was red he goes from there to his room. Naksh followed him.

Naksh entered in his room and close the door and said"what happened bhai why are you crying ".

Parth hug him and said" She don't love me naksh".

Naksh said"what subha dont love you".

Parth said"yes she said she consider me just as a friend "

Naksh said"it's can't be true let me talk to her " He was going out of room but parth stop him and said"she is in hospital " .

Naksh said"what why ".

Parth said" I didn't know when I proposed her she was fine after her rejection I was going but it was night so I thought I will leave because of me she came at ice cream shop but when I returned back to ice cream shop she was fainted so I immediately take her to hospital and call her family members ".

Naksh said" Did she know you take her to hospital ".

Parth said" No and I wish she don't get it".

Naksh look at his brother and think"I am sure something is not right bhai I will find out".

Next morning.

Subha get up in morning get ready and goes to college. She reach at college with krishna she said bye to krishna and goes from there. she was going to her class she walking suddenly a ball was about to come and hit subha but before it could touch her a person hold it. Subha look at the person. She see parth was holding the ball. They look at each other. Suddenly parth throw the ball on floor and left from there. He still cares for her.

Subha was about stop parth but stop herself she will hurt him more. She controlled her emotion and goes to her class.

Subha pov:

Sorry parth please forgive me I don't want to hurt you but if I confess my love then yagna will harm you please forgive me if you can.

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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