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Next morning subha get ready in white long top and left for college with Krishna. Krishna and subha reached at college and meet parth yagna satya and rukmini.

Subha said"bhai today you go home I will come late ".

Krishna said" Why princess is any problem ".

Subha said" No I have to talk with karna about project ".

Krishna said" Ok but don't be late".

Subha nodded and said"bye all of you ".

All said"bye".

Krishna, satya and rukmini left.

Yayna said" How is study going".

Parth said"good what about you".

Yagna smiled as parth continued conversation and said"good".

Yagna said"will you tomorrow come to pick up from home".

Parth said"ok but get ready soon because tomorrow is cricket match so I will come college earily ".

Yagna hug him and they both left for class.

Subha goes inside class and sit beside karna and said"meet me after college karna i want to talk really important thing".

Karna said" Ok i will meet you".

Sir came and lecture start after lecture was finished. Subha said"I am come karna".

Karna nodded and subha goes to meet vrushali in library.

Subha said"vrushali you trust me na".

Vrushali said"yes subha".

Subha said"can you do one think can you do it".

Vrushali said"yes say I will".

Subha said"then you confess your love to Karna tomorrow ".

Vrushali said" You know I fear if he reject me".

Subha said"I will take responsibility if he reject you but please you confess you love tomorrow ".

Vrushali said" Ok i will ".

Subha hug her and said" All the best".

Vrushali said"thank you".

Subha said"welcome ".and left.

Subha attend her all lecture and goes to meet Karna.she see Karna waiting for her.

She goes near him and said" Karna you trust me na".

Karna said"yes subha".

Subha said"can you do one think can you do it".

Karna said"yes say I will".

Subha said"then you confess your love to vrushali tomorrow ".

Karna said" You know I fear if she reject me".

Subha said"I will take responsibility if she reject you but please you confess you love tomorrow ".

Karna said" Ok i will ".

Subha hug her and said" All the best".

Karna said"thank you".

Subha said"welcome ".and they both left.

Subha was going she meet bhim, vala, kavya, jaya, dev, naksh and diya.

Subha said" Hii how are you all".

All said"I am fine" .

Vala said"you are krishna sister na".

Subha said"yes ".

Vala said" You have become famous in college ".

Subha said" I was also famous in my previous college ".

Vala said" Of course you are too smart and beautiful ".

Subha said" If I am not wrong you are vala didi na".

Vala said"yes how do you know"

Subha said""you don't know bhim bhai knows me from childhood so he tell me about you".

Vala said"means you are his kitchen partner ".

Kavya said" Kitchen partners means".

Subha said"means we both loves cooking ".

Kavya said" Oh".

Jaya said"don't talk about cooking in front of kavya because she can't cook anything ".

All start laughing.

Subha said" Ok now I must leave".

All nodded and subha left.

Subha goes near entrance suddenly parths with his bike came in front of her. Subha said"you here ".

Party said" I know you will be late so I wait for you".

Subha said"so sweet off".and pulled his cheecks.

Parth smiled and look down and said "let's go".

Subha nodded and said" But people will think we are gf bf so ".

Parth think for a while then he remove his jacket and said" You wear it then it will be ok".

Subha wear his jacket and sit on bike and ask"then what about your gf".

Parth turned back he look at her and he move closer subha was looking at him parth smile and made her wear his jackets cap and said"she left with satya ".

Subha said" Ok ".

Parth said" Why you become late".

Subha said"tomorrow you will get to know".

Parth said"ok when are your parents coming back".

Subha said"they will be back in some days".

Parth nodded.

After sometime they reach home.

Subha get down from bike and said"thank you".

Parth said"thank you for what".

Subha said"because of you I reach home safely and on time".

Parth said"no need to thank between best friend ".

Subha smiled at him.

Parth said" Now I must leave maa will be worried ".

Subha said" Yes go safely".

Parth nodded and left.

Subha goes inside house and said"bhai when are maa papa coming".

Krishna said"tomorrow ".with smile.

Subha said" Great".with excitement.

Krishna said"so can you go and bring them tomorrow ".

Subha think and said" Ok i will go".

Subha goes inside her room she get fresh and start to study.

To be continued

How was chapter?

Sorry for late update friend forgive me.

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